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冷身---热身的逆顺序。Cool down by reversing the warm-up.

拧下倒车灯开关。Unscrew switch for reversing light.

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叶倒卵形或倒卵状长椭圆形。Oval leaves down or reversing -40-oval.

扭转这种人才流失的局面需要时间。Reversing the brain drain could take time.

司机倒车时撞著了路边石。The driver bumped the kerb while reversing.

司机倒车时撞着了路边石。The driver bumped the kerb while reversing.

另外,尼康光刻机业务也开始扭亏为盈。Nikon is also reversing its losses in lithography.

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现在,同心协力,我们把这些荒唐事永远的转变!Now, together, we are reversing this folly forever!

而这个颠倒过程就是工作记忆的“工作”部分。This reversing is the "working" part of working memory.

从变速器上拆下倒车灯开关。Remove switch for reversing light from the transmission.

检查各换向阀电磁铁动作是否灵活。Check to know the electromagnet reaction of the reversing valve.

结果表明,这种机械自动换向的方法是可行的。The result shows that the automatical reversing method is feasible.

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这就是为什么阻止核武器传播是首要任务的原因。That iswhy reversing the spread of nuclear weapons is a top priority.

这样的工序就需要在头、二道并条中换条筒反向。Such procedures require reversing the creels at first and second drawing.

这个动议是朝着扭转资源诅咒迈出的重要一步。This initiative is an important step toward reversing the resource curse.

把克林顿的执政年表反过来你就可以看到奥巴马团队的执政计划了。You can diagram Team Obama's game plan by reversing the Clinton playbook.

逆转老化像是把水抽出去而让它漂浮。Reversing aging is like keeping it afloat by throwing water over the side.

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在放下了这个巨大的习惯后,我的生活开始向积极的方向改变。The positive changes in my life after reversing this habit have been huge.

开始倒车入位,向路沿方向转动方向盘。Begin reversing into the space, turning the steering wheel towards the curb.

他们可能可以稍微减缓衰落的速度,但离恢复原貌还差之千里。They may slow the rate of decay a bit, but they’re nowhere near reversing it.