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冯·提尔被禁止参加电影节。Von Trier was banned from the festival.

卡尔·马克思于1818年5月5日出生在德国特里尔城。Karl Marx was born in Trier , Germany in May 5, 1818.

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特里尔的大教堂。在德国的大城市中,都会有一所大教堂的。Dom of Trier. There is always a Dom in a large city in Germany.

特里尔城或者其罗马时期的古建筑物并不能吸引中国的游客。In Trier it is not the city or its Roman ruins that attracts the tourists.

拉斯•冯•提尔上周曾因为开玩笑说他是纳粹分子而被排除出这次电影节。Von Trier was thrown out of the festival last week for joking that he was a Nazi.

特里尔的古罗马城门。这座城门可以追索到公元180年,是由罗马人建的。Porta Nigra of Trier. This gate dates back to about A. D. 180 built by the Romans.

但是2011年戛纳电影节让世人铭记恐怕是“被驱逐的拉斯.冯.提尔”。But Cannes 2011 will probably forever be known as "the one that banned Lars Von Trier".

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“反基督者”这是才华横溢又充满争议的导演拉斯.冯.提尔最近的一部电影。"Antichrist" This is the latest movie by the talented and controversial Lars von Trier.

从罗马前往特里尔,著名的学校,并开始了他的神学研究。From Rome he went to Trier , famous for its schools, and there began his theological studies.

两年以前,冯.提尔因为他那部阴森的反基督电影在戛纳首映而成为世界各地媒体的头条。Two years ago Von Trier made worldwide headlines when his gruesome film Antichrist premiered at Cannes.

在特里尔,150个纳粹分子闯入马克思的诞生地,在那里升起了纳粹党旗帜。At Trier 150 Nazis broke into Marx House, where Karl Marx was born, and hoisted on it the Swastika flag.

由因为面对所有的争议,冯提尔一直是一个更为有趣并且吸引人的采访对象。Because for all of the controversy, von Trier remains one of the more entertaining and fascinating interview subjects of all time.

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一株念珠直链藻的活体样本,该照片排名第3位,由来自德国特里尔市特里尔高等专业学院的弗兰克·福克斯拍摄。Frank Fox of the Fachhochschule Trier in Trier, Germany took 3rd place with this image of a living specimen of Melosira moniliformis.

因为这个原因,很多人相信在未来的某个时候冯.提尔将再次沿着这些著名的脚步走入影节宫。Many believe, therefore, that at some point in the future, Von Trier will once again walk up those famous steps into the Palais des Festivals.

拉斯·冯·提尔出了名的对待他的演员很严苛,即使对首次演出的冰岛歌手比约克,他也不会手下留情。Lars von Trier has a reputation for being hard on his actors and for Icelandic singer Bjork's acting debut, he certainly didn't pull any punches.

与经典电影制作人,如科波拉,塔伦蒂诺,李安和冯提尔放映的节日,但几乎没有人预测的动画电影开场。With classic filmmakers such as Coppola, Tarantino, Ang Lee and Von Trier showing films, few expected the festival to kick off with an animated movie.

对某项事实承担“举证责任”,指承担说服该事实之审判人,使其相信该事实存在之可能性大于其不存在之可能性的责任。"Burden of establishing" a fact means the burden of persuading the trier of fact that the existence of the fact is more probable than its nonexistence.

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特里尔知道这种故事早前就被人用过——男生遇到女生,制作一本艺术书籍,丢失了信仰——而关键就在于你如何去安排这些情节。Mr. Trier knows that this story has been told before — boy meets girl, makes art book, loses mind — and that what matters is how those parts are arranged.

裁判事实是事实审理者通过法定程序,在证据的基础上,对案件涉及的客观事实所作的一种认定或推定。Adjudicative facts mean the judgments or presumptions made by the trier of fact about the objective facts concerning the case, on the basis of the evidences, through the procedure.

特里尔将这段新恋情用一种毫不掩饰的娇柔和细腻的手持摄像机手法分享出来,为了平衡开支,他友好地略过了在菲利普失恋之后的各种事宜。Mr. Trier shares this new love with unembarrassed tenderness and an attentive hand-held camera, and then, with equal economy, gently picks through its remains after Phillip’s breakdown.