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一个母亲在恳求你!A mother is imploring you.

她以哀求的眼神看着他。She gave him an imploring look.

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“可一张小纸条怎么能——?”她又开口了,作出一脸的恳求相。But how can one little note---' she recommenced, putting on an imploring countenance.

丹尼斯去付款,恳求我带着艾瑞克到停车场等他。Dennis went to pay the check, imploring me to get Erik and meet him in the parking lot.

当她走到小路上时,他尾随而至,乞求她的宽恕,并答应给予补偿。As she passed on down the lane he came after her, imploring forgiveness and offering redemption.

我们大半的祷告是祈求全能者赐下圣灵的工作。A great part of your prayer work should be imploring the Almighty for a great measure of his Spirit.

他们一齐倒在地上痛哭流涕。那哀告求饶的惨景简直目不忍睹。They flung themselves down upon the ground and wept, imploring for mercy in a way that was dreadful to behold.

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首先,贾巴尔希望无论科比是否被双人包夹了,拜纳姆都能好好利用优势。First and foremost, Abdul-Jabbar has been imploring Bynum to take advantage whenever Kobe Bryant gets double-teamed.

善待动物组织和其他动物权益组织已经发表声明,恳求中国居民不要跟随这股买兔风。PETA and other animal rights groups have issued statements imploring Chinese residents not to buy into the egregious trend.

比赛进行到一个小时的时候,阿森纳的球迷开始站起来呼唤他们的球队不要再无休止的传球和倒脚了,他们要的是射门。An hour into the game Arsenal fans were on their feet, imploring players to shoot instead of continually passing or hesitating.

但尽管如此,微妙的声音恳求你听到源自于心灵的智慧,你知道,你将要说什么,还有要做什么。But one still, subtle voice is imploring you to hear the wisdom of your heart. You know what you ought to say and do this week.

艺树人经过5个月严密训练创作的结晶,以5个小品组成,邀请你上台和我们一起发现审查的力量。Devised by ARTivate after 5 months of training in Forum Theatre, imploring you to join us in discovering the power of censorship.

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她那愤怒的心情忽然消逝了,一双焦虑不安的,央求的眼睛带着迫切期待的目光逼视着他。All irritation had instantly vanished from her face, and her uneasy and imploring eyes were fastened upon him in greedy expectation.

他永远都在请求林肯给他新的武器,并且,用观察者的话来说,“他觉得自己永远都没有足够的士兵,士兵们永远都不够训练有素,装备永远不够精良。”He was perpetually imploring Lincoln for new weapons, and, in the words of one observer, “he felt he never had enough troops, well enough trained or equipped.

这个曾经形容中国的领导者为“一群令人震惊的旧蜡像”的人,正恳求中国政府再次考虑它在北京的发展。The man who once described China's leaders as "a group of appalling old waxworks ", is imploring the country's government to re-think its development of Beijing.

区分撰写著作的个人、行文中的叙述者的角色、行文中田野调查者的角色,对于探索权力与知识的相互影响颇有益处。Moreover, differentiating among the ethnographer, narrator of the text, and fieldworker is important for imploring the mutual impacts between power and knowledge.

但仍有教徒奋力地跪着爬上这些阶梯,为具有疗效的神迹殷切祈求,安德烈修士曾以他治愈病人的奇迹疗法闻名。Outdoor stairways climb steeply to the church, pilgrims still struggle up them on their knees, imploring for the healing miracles for which Brother Andre was renowned.

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包括巴菲特在内,那些在去年末大声呼吁股民重新进场的投资者,已经又亏损了五分之一的资金。Those investors, such as Mr Buffett, who banged the table towards the end of last year imploring punters to re-enter the market have already lost another fifth of their money.

另一方面,海地人收到大量着他们吃饭前请洗手的手机短信,同时却要用大多未经处理的污水给孩子们洗澡。On the one hand, Haitians were deluged with text messages imploring them to wash before eating, while on the other they had to bathe their children in largely untreated sewer water.

美国USAA保险公司主席于上周发出的一封公函就是一个典型例子,这家由退伍军人经营的保险公司在恳求其客户向他们的议员传达他们的顾虑。Typical was a missive last week from the head of USAA, the military-based insurance company, imploring its customers to contact their senators with their concerns about the legislation.