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兰基。劳伦斯失去了他的情妇和龙虾。Lanky Lawrence lost his lass and lobster.

汤姆是一个腿很细的瘦高个儿。Tom was a lanky boy with long skinny legs.

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兰基。劳伦斯失去了他的情妇和龙虾吗?Did Lanky Lawrence lose his lass and lobster?

2002年时他还是一个害羞、瘦长的22岁年轻人。Back in 2002 Yao was a shy, lanky 22 year old.

兰基。劳伦斯失去了情妇和龙虾在哪里?Where's the lass and lobster Lanky Lawrence lost?

他高瘦的身躯好不容易折进狭窄的座椅中。His tall, lanky body barely fit into the narrow seat.

有一个瘦高个的年轻人,他荡出去后却未能把下巴贴着横木。One lanky youth swung out and could not stay chinned.

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翘楚手足冰冷,气的浑身颤抖。Raise Chu lanky iciness, the whole body of spirit shivers.

红脸奥森·斯通同麻杆儿路西弗·郎恩都称自己是骑士。Red-faced Orson Stone claimed to be a knight as did lanky Lucifer Long.

插话进来的是一个年轻人,瘦长身材,一身牛仔衣。Those who interpose is young people, lanky stature, body cowboy clothes.

迪奥普仍记得2003年训练营中那个瘦削却运动能力十足的巴莫特。Diop can still recall a lanky and athletic Mbah a Moute at the camp in 2003.

她是个高挑的白人布鲁斯歌手,也是个吉他手,身材修长,性感火辣。She was a tall white blues singer and guitar player, funky, lanky and sultry.

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原来这个瘦高个儿是韦伯大夫,阿拉贝拉把他请来的。The lanky form was that of Physician Vilbert, who had been called in by Arabella.

楼下,在父亲旁边,高瘦的索菲用手拢了一下脸上的头发。Downstairs, near her father, lanky Sophie wiped a long lock of hair from her face.

那是个相貌英俊行动敏捷的年轻人,体格纤长顶着一丛深蓝色头发。He was a lithe and well-made youth, with a lanky build and a shock of dark blue hair.

他高大,高瘦,他的眼镜被录制在中间,头发四处。He was tall, lanky , his glasses were taped in the middle and his hair went everywhere.

但是这个瘦瘦高高的加索尔来了,所有的人都张开双臂,拥紧他柔弱的肩膀。But cool, lanky Gasol walked in and everyone wrapped their arms around his pale shoulders.

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彼得·蒂·赛沃走了进来,他做的第一件事就是给了罗德尼一个恳求似的、瘦长得难看的外表。Peter de seve came in, and the first thing he did was give Rodney an appealing lanky look.

瘦瘦的欧罗巴,挡不住天朝的金戈铁马。The lanky Europe, cannot stop our Kingdom of Heaven's gold armored soldiers and iron horses.

你在巴尔的摩喜欢用的摩丝在休斯敦可能会使你的头发粘在一起,成为一绺一绺的。The mousse that you loved in Baltimore might make your hair feel sticky and lanky in Houston.