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小肠吻合可能破裂并产生瘘管和腹膜炎。Enteric anastomoses may disrupt and produce a fistula and peritonitis.

拔管后无局限性腹膜炎或瘘口迁延不愈。No local peritonitis or uncurable fistula occurred after withdrawal of the tube.

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对肾病儿童来说肺炎球菌腹膜炎可作为并发症出现。Pneumococcal peritonitis may occur as a complication in children with nephrosis.

而腹腔镜检查可以迅速准确地给予诊断。However, laparoscopy could diagnose tuberculosis peritonitis exactly and quickly.

目的探讨结核性腹膜炎的螺旋CT检查方法及其特征。Objective To evaluate the diagnostic value of spiral CT to tuberculous peritonitis.

有弥漫性腹膜炎和既往腹部手术史者除外。Patients with generalized peritonitis and a history of abdominal surgery were excluded.

血清转铁蛋白检测可能为结核性腹膜炎的临床诊断提供了一种新方法。However, serum transferrin may be a new method for the diagnosis of tuberculous peritonitis.

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目的比较超声与CT对结核性腹膜炎的诊断价值。Objective To compare the diagnostic value of US with that of CT for tuberculous peritonitis.

减少术后并发症,特别是拔T管后的胆汁性腹膜炎。Fewer postoperative complications, especially the biliary peritonitis after the removal of T tube.

通腑泻热合剂保留灌肠合并电针治疗急性弥漫性腹膜炎疗效较好。Retention- enema of BHM combined with EA exerts a good effect in treating acute diffuse peritonitis.

如果休克伴有红细胞压积升高,则提示腹膜炎伴有血浆溶量损失。If there is shock with an elevated hematocrit, then the plasma volume loss of peritonitis is suggested.

可是许多外科医师不愿意延迟手术,因为其有穿孔与腹膜炎的危险。However, many surgeons are reluctant to delay surgery because of the risk of perforation and peritonitis.

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目的探讨丝虫性乳糜性腹膜炎合并中毒性休克的诊治要点。ObjectiveTo study the diagnosis and treatment for filarial chyle peritonitis complicated with toxic shock.

目的评价经皮腹腔穿刺腹膜活检对结核性腹膜炎的诊断价值。Objective To evaluate the value of percutaneous peritoneal biopsy in diagnosis of tuberculosis peritonitis.

目的探讨苯丙酮酸莫拉菌引起自发性细菌性腹膜炎的诊断。ObjectiveTo explore the diagnosis of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis induced by Moraxella phenylpyruvica.

方法回顾性分析117例CAPD腹膜炎的致病菌及其耐药性。METHODS Pathogens and their resistance in 117 cases of CAPD related peritonitis were analyzed retrospectively.

结果126例结核性腹膜炎全部经临床抗痨治疗痊愈证实。Results All 126 cases with tuberculosis peritonitis were cured and proved by clinical antituberculotic treatment.

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目的报告硬化性腹膜炎病人肠外营养支持治疗的经验。Objective To report the clinical experience of parenteral nutrition support in patients with sclerosing peritonitis.

成年母鸡的白痢病以卵巢变形变色以及与之相关的输卵管阻塞及卵黄性腹膜炎为特征。In adult hens, the main findings were abnormal shapes and discolours of ovum, obstruct of oviduct and yock peritonitis.

芽胞杆菌聚集繁殖的地方发炎,可能发生溃疡,导致肠出血或腹膜炎。The sites where the bacilli multiplied become inflamed and may ulcerate, leading to intestinal bleeding or peritonitis.