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别让爱消失在沉没中。Don't let love disappear in dumbness.

罗伯特被惊得哑口无言。Robert was shocked almost to dumbness.

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别在乎你不解的样子,请对方再重复一遍。Make light of your apparent dumbness and ask for a repeat.

特别是,压力会让沉默变得更为严重。In particular, the dumbness would appear to be aggravated by stress.

因此沉默往往是幸福或不幸的最高表现形式。That is why dumbness is most often the highest expression of happiness of unhappiness.

耗得人类筋疲力尽的英明的解决问题的办法,从无语的网络中脱颖而出。Out of this network of dumbness emerge brilliant solutions to problems that tax humans.

有时,安琪拉可能仍然失踪感到悲伤的时候,她的父母,觉得孤独,那恨他的沉默或什么的。Sometimes, Angela might still feel sad, missing her parents, feeling lonely, hating her dumbness or something.

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我十四年的大学教育和在几所常春藤大学工作的经历使得我傻乎乎站在那里,笨拙不堪,尴尬不已。Fourteen years of higher education and a handful of Ivy League degrees, and there I was, stiff and stupid, struck dumb by my own dumbness.

但在少数场合,当这种情况发生时,他却根本想不起说什么话来,对于自己的垭口无言感到极大的苦恼和困惑。But on the few occasions when this had happened he could never think of anything to say and he suffered agonies of embarrassment at his dumbness.

他很聪明、非常自信,但他对于傻瓜和笨蛋没有一丝一毫的忍耐力,而这两类人在妒才、冗杂而又庞大的华盛顿官僚机构里却比比皆是。Bright and most self-confident, he has an abrasive intolerance for dumbness and dullards, both of which abound in the jealous, overlapping, mammoth Washington bureaucracies.