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房屋入口处的天桥和阶梯外观。Exterior entry bridge and stair.

然后我会在模拟爬楼的器械练30分钟。Then I'll do 30 minutes on a stair mill.

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而我的人生没有晶莹的阶梯。And life for me ain't been no crystal stair.

立方体内部有个木台阶用来连接天桥桥梁。A wood stair in the interior cube connects with the Cross-Over Bridge.

这些台阶被分成两段以降低梯段的高度。These stair is divide into 2 levels for reduce the height of the stair.

后来,吉姆知道了这件事,这也是他对斯太尔医生怀恨在心的一个原因。Jim found this out afterwards and it was one reason why he had it in for Doc Stair.

他们路过了从泥巴中螺旋而上的大理石台阶,它们在空中粗糙的断裂了。They passed a marble stair that spiraled up from the mud and ended jaggedly in air.

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Stair转动枢轴和轮子,避开路上的多个障碍物,进入隔壁的实验室。Stair pivots and wheels into the adjacent lab, avoiding a number of obstacles on the way.

你可能花了50块钱买了条低腰平脚短裤,但是每次你爬个台阶你的屁屁都快裂开了,这都是糟糕的。It's the boyshorts you paid for, but ride up your butt crack every time you climb a stair.

客人出去时大门刚刚砰地一声关好,福尔摩斯就下了楼。The hall door had hardly slammed behind our visitor before Holmes had descended the stair.

我们有一个人质。请示客梯车待命以便让旅客下机。We have a hostage situation. Request stair vehicles on standby to disembark the passengers.

主甲板机舱棚围壁和梯道环围等处安装的门为带闭门器的防火门。Doors of engine casing and stair casing on main deck are of fire doors with self-closing device.

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并且,大卫.陈说,这种电梯修理更为容易,每次维修只需要拆开一级或者两级即可。And, Chan says, repairs are far easier, because only a stair or two needs to be removed at a time.

这意味着阶梯攀爬锻炼不起效用除非你想让自己长得更像羹匙。This means the stair climber is out unless you want to increase the spoon like figure proportions.

沙维雅模式的家庭治疗比传统的治疗好,治疗成效亦较长久。Stair Model was better than a conservative rehabilitation. The therapeutic effect was long lasting.

弯子栏杆的凹弯,此处有急骤的高度或方向变化,如在。A concave bend of a handrail where a sharp change in level or direction occurs, as at a stair landing.

重点论述了在均热炉加热过程中的阶梯式供热方式。In the paper, a new heating method with"stair shape"in soaking pit process is introduced and discussed.

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为了获得机器人与台阶棱线的夹角,对视觉传感器拍摄的数字图像进行处理。A digital image from visual sensor is processed in order to get the angle formed by a robot and a stair edge.

如果可以的话,去一个人少的地方,在那里你可以通过几个开合跳,仰卧起坐,俯卧撑,跳台阶来宣泄压力。If you can, retreat to a place where you can blow off some steam by doing a few jumping jacks, sit-ups, push-ups or stair sprints.

埃康开始通过收购,整修和倒卖二手轮椅升降台,以及从其他英国制造商购买新的升降机。Acorn started by buying, reconditioning and reselling pre-owned stair lifts, as well as buying in new lifts from other UK manufacturers.