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比尔和克琳。Bill and Colleen.

我和朋友们依旧交好如昔吗?Am I still friends with Colleen.

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他希望科琳不要回答这个问题。He did not want Colleen to answer.

她们占领了你的卧室,科琳。They’ve occupied your bedroom, Colleen.

科莉还是那个老脾气,迟到十分钟。True tonature, Colleen was ten minutes late.

他对科琳不抱丝毫敌意。He did not feel any real enmity toward Colleen.

除了和妹妹做伴之外,科琳是个独行侠。Colleen was a loner, except for her sister’s company.

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如果科琳在伊拉克战死了,你打算怎么和孩子们说呢?What are you going to say if Colleen gets killed over there?

科琳回来之后,他和莫伊拉还一起睡过一次。He and Moira slept together one more time after Colleen came home.

在晚年,妹妹与科琳和她的丈夫一起生活。Late in life, the sister came to live with Colleen and her husband.

黛安基顿扮演布雷克的共同主办,科琳佩克,前选美皇后。Diane Keaton plays Daybreak's co-host, Colleen Peck, a former beauty queen.

莫伊拉比科琳小一岁,有趣而聪明,是两姐妹中更受欢迎的那一个。Moira was the popular sister, funny and smart, one year younger than Colleen.

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亨利和科琳、莫伊拉一起上的大学,其实他先认识的是莫伊拉。Henry had gone to college with both Colleen and Moira, had met Moira first, in fact.

有关人士认为,其母因不忍心让男孩接受化疗而于周一带其一同消失。Authorities believe Colleen Hawser fled with her son Monday to avoid him getting chemo.

根据注册营养师兼儿童营养专家科林赫尔利所说,家长们和活动家们该高兴起来了!By Colleen Hurley, RD, Certified Kids Nutrition Specialist Parents and activists rejoice!

考琳•麦卡洛是一位擅长心理描写的作家。Ms Colleen Mccullough is a famous writer who did a very good job on psychological creation.

关于第二步,克琳说按留言说的时间准时准点给客户打电话非常重要。In Step Two, Colleen says it's important to call exactly when you said you were going to call.

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考琳·麦卡洛是澳大利亚当代最有影响的作家之一。Colleen McCullough is one of the most influential Australian novelists in the contemporary era.

据儿童营养学专家、注册营养师科琳。赫利表示,关于婴儿奶瓶安全的激烈争论仍在持续。By Colleen Hurley, RD, Certified Kids Nutrition Specialist The baby bottle safety debate rages on.

据儿童营养学专家、注册营养师科琳。赫利表示,关于婴儿奶瓶安全的激烈争论仍在持续。By Colleen Hurley , RD, Certified Kids Nutrition Specialist The baby bottle safety debate rages on.