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三道茶是白族的一种饮茶习俗。It's a Bai ethnic tea tradition.

新疆是个少数民族问题的火药箱。Xijiang is an ethnic tinder-box.

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哎,哈尼族我知道。Oh, I know the Hani ethnic group.

考察团参观曼丢傣族村寨Visiting Mandiu Dai Ethnic Village

摒除种族的偏见,他是对的。The ethnic slag aside, he was right.

这肯定是锡伯族的朋友。They must be of the Xibe ethnic group.

可见,虞弘是一位早期回纥族人士。So Yuhong was from Hui He ethnic group.

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这达斡尔族是个什么样的民族呢?What kind of ethnic people are the Daurs?

阿尔巴尼亚族人拒绝参加1991年的人口普查。Ethnic Albanians boycotted the 1991 census.

那边好像有彝族人在结婚。Yi ethnic wedding is taking place over there.

少数民族有姆扎布族和图阿雷格族。Muzabu minorities and the Tuareg ethnic group.

他们崇拜希特勒对种族纯化所做的贡献。They praise Hitler's devotion to ethnic purity.

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所以你能看到不同种族的人,So you still have a really ethnic mix of people,

汉藏民族歌舞同时展出。Both Tibetan and Han ethnic dances are exhibited.

民族斗争也是阶级斗争的一种形式。Ethnic struggle is also a form of class struggle.

此外新疆也有小一些的族群,比如哈萨克人。There are also smaller ethnic groups like Kazaks.

他女朋友是崩龙族人。His girl friend is of the Benglong ethnic minority.

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这是布朗族的一种称呼方式。This is a form of address of the Blang ethnic group.

民族歌手在卡玛聚外的天井倾情献唱。Ethnic singer singing in the yard outside Karma cafe.

我的中国部分只来自于我的种族背景。My Chinese-ness comes only from my ethnic background.