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他用字太不严谨。He used words too loosely.

这把小提琴装的松了。The violin is loosely strung.

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这身衣服她穿着太旷了。The dress sits loosely on her.

用锡纸把鸡肉松松地盖起来。Cover the chicken loosely with foil.

我下面说的“中国妈妈”是泛指的。I'm using the term"Chinese mother" loosely.

松松的的盖上一层铝箔纸,烘培1小时。Cover loosely with foil and bake for 1 hour.

他那满面笑容随着每次呼吸松弛地收放。His wide smile flaps loosely with each breath.

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铁路枕木上散放着几块木板。Some boards laid loosely on the railroad crossties.

帆布鞋,鞋带系得很松。He wore plimsolls, loosely tied with bits of string.

甚至芹菜已经被松散地与脑力敏锐度联系在一起。Even celery has been loosely linked to mental acuity.

她那长长的黑发松散地飘垂在双肩上。Her long black hair hung loosely about her shoulders.

她那长长的黑发松散地飘垂在双肩上。Her long black hair hung loosely about her shoulders.

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那个缎面小提包松松地握在她的手指里。The little satin bag was held loosely in her fingers.

他的额头上垂着一绺散开的黑色卷发。A curl of black hair fell loosely across his forehead.

覆盖着羽状饰毛的尾巴松散地卷在背后。The richly plumed tail is carried loosely on the back.

无疑,部分是因为这些用语经常用得松松垮垮。Well, partly, no doubt the terms are often used loosely.

他也谈到了“Loosh”,可以大致翻译成爱。He talked also about "Loosh, " loosely translated as love.

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可以,先生。但是我们建议您系着安全带,把扣扣得松一点。Yes, sir. But we suggest that you wear it loosely buckled.

一些近地天体被认为是松散的碎石构成的。Some NEOs are thought to be loosely packed piles of rubble.

他们打得太松散了,我从没看到他们垫球垫得完美过。They played too loosely. I never saw them set up perfectly.