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他就是这么迟钝。Such bluntness is characteristic of him.

业内和媒体对于她的直言不讳反应良好。The Street and media responded well to her bluntness.

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你会给他一些关于怎样对付南茜的直脾气的建议。You might give him some advice on how to handle her bluntness.

该方法考虑了来流、锥角和钝度对底部热的影响。The influences of free flow, cone angle and bluntness are considered.

对这位好医生的当头棒喝,现在的我会比二十五年前的我更表感谢。I am more grateful now than I was 25 years ago for this good doctor's bluntness.

对这位好医生的当头棒喝,现在的我们会比二十五年前更表感谢。We are more grateful now than we were 25 years ago for this good doctor's bluntness.

推荐使用刷毛较软,顶端圆钝的牙刷。Recommending an usage to brush hair is softer, the toothbrush of top circle bluntness.

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值得称道的是,迪克真的搞了个民意调查,然后用一贯的直言不讳的口气告诉我,我很可能会输。To his credit, Dick did the poll, and with characteristic bluntness said that I would probably lose.

事实上,为了创建信任关系,有时我们需要的正是直率和诚实。In fact, sometimes bluntness and honesty are exactly what’s needed to create strategic trust. And we will need more of it.

如果他愿意依照你说的去做,或者他完全没有检讨自己的行为,他会越发觉得南茜的直脾气是问题所在。If he's eager to please you, or if he hasn't analyzed his own reactions, he may assume her bluntness really is the problem.

如果你的另一个团队成员乔治对你说"我不喜欢和南茜一起工作",你可能很容易推测出乔治是厌烦了南茜的心直口快。If your other team member George says "I don't like working with Nancy", you could easily assume that he is bothered by her bluntness.

拉姆在民主党众议院中位列第三,曾经在白宫中为克林顿服务,并以直率和坚定的意志而获得很好的声望。The third-ranking House Democrat served in the Clinton White House and has a reputation for bluntness and single-minded determination.

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众所周知,老盖茨比儿子更擅长交际,但他们都有敏锐的才智,而且同样直率,这种直率在一些人看来可能有点唐突。He's known to be more social than the younger Bill Gates, but they share a sharp intellect and a bluntness that can come across to some as curt.

最近几个月以来,西方国家、日本和印度的企业家面对频频发生的异常发展迟缓的状况发出了呼声。In recent months Western, Japanese, and Indian business people have spoken out against these developments with uncharacteristic bluntness and frequency.

不论英国人的保守,法国人的浪漫,美国人的率直,中国人的含蓄,我对你的思念将成为永恒。Missing you becomes everlasting, despite the reserve of the British, the romance of the French, the bluntness of the Americans, the reticence of the Chinese.

率直的谈话是人马座的特征,而他们会觉得间接中的不耐烦。他们很喜欢坦率直言,而这些会使到别人觉得很烦,有时候会很生气。Bluntness of speech is a trademark of Sagittarius, where these people get impatient with indirectness . They like to outspoken and always will make others annoy and angry easily.