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厂内没有发现杀虫剂。No pesticide was found in the plant.

避免灭虫剂对人体的危害。To avoid pesticide hazards to humans.

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我已经学会如何使用生物农药。I’ve learnt how to use biological pesticide.

他们喷撒杀虫剂给马铃薯除虫。They sprinkled pesticide to bug the potatoes.

它们包括饮料,药品,甚至杀虫剂。They include drinks, medicine, even pesticide.

目的评价有机锡农药的安全性。To evaluate the safety of organotin pesticide.

浙江禾本农药化学有限公司。Zhejiang Heben Pesticide & Chemicals Co. , Ltd.

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他需要一种能消灭玉米螟虫的杀虫剂。He needs a pesticide that will kill corn borers.

提出了禁限用农药管理的建议。Restriction management of pesticide was proposed.

菜田里撒上了农药。The pesticide was spread over the vegetable plot.

但如果不能确保这一点,你就会使用杀虫剂。If you can’t, then you might have to use a pesticide.

灭蝇胺属低毒农药。So cyromazine was classified in low toxicity pesticide.

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美国最受欢迎的马铃薯含有高农药残留量。America\'s popular spud ranks high for pesticide residue.

结论百草枯属于中等毒性农药。Conclusion Paraquat is a pesticide with moderate toxicity.

而施药机械是实现药物防治的主要工具。The spraying mechanism is the main tool to apply pesticide.

从牛肉中检验出的120种物质之中,只有一种是农药。Out of 120 substances tested in beef, only one is a pesticide.

杀虫剂里的非有效性物质,可能注定继续是公开的秘密了。Pesticide inerts could be destined to remain a public mystery.

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用于有机合成制造农药、医药、感光材料中间体。As intermediate for medicine , pesticide and sensitive material.

广泛用于种子、食品、化工、塑料、农肥、饲料等行业。It is widely used in seed , food, chemistry, pesticide industry.

结果表明该农药急性毒性属高毒农药。The results showed that DCL is belong to highly toxic pesticide.