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他在脸上画上了黑色的条纹。He streaked his face with black.

带有血丝恴风。Blood- streaked phlegm with stainless winds.

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她的脸上汗津津的,淌着一道道的泥。Her face was wet and streaked with the earth.

如果是运动的,蛋壳形成条纹。If the egg is in motion, it will be streaked.

没有人看到她一下子就闪到屋外了。No man noticed that she streaked out of the room.

我不忍看她那布满泪痕的脸。I could not bear to look at her tear- streaked face.

我们坐在他那辆还没付清款的大车里向前飞奔。We streaked down that road in his big unpaid-for car.

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她时髦的金棕色短发里自然地夹着几丝灰发。Her stylishly short auburn hair was streaked naturally with gray.

他那棕色的头发剪得很短,中间夹杂着缕缕纯色的黄发。His brown hair, cut short, was streaked with pure yellow strands.

当天拉班就将有条纹有斑点的公山羊。That day, he removed the male goats that were streaked and spotted.

大胆的旅人只好飞奔着穿过将圣马可广场淹没的那片水域。One wakeboarder streaked across the waters that swamped St. Mark's Square.

鱼儿有两次都快到手了,但两次带着钓线溜跑了。Twice the fish was nearly his and twice it streaked away, taking line with it.

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夜渐渐深了,天空划过远处军营传来的熄灯号声。Night getting deeper, bugles of some far-away barracks streaked across the sky.

他扔下步枪,拔出匕首,向敌兵飞扑过去。Dashing down the rifle, he drew out a dagger and streaked towards the enemy soldier.

磕碰、擦伤比比皆是,小脸上也就常带着结冰的泪痕。Bumps and bruises – and the accompanying faces streaked with frozen tears – are common enough.

在他的卡车着火的弯道,洲际公路上都是黑灰。At the curve in the road where his cab had caught fire, the interstate was streaked with black ash.

木犊骇尽,骤然如跌在地上,嘴上掉下一个烟蒂,划一道暗红不见了。Mu Du, startled, nearly fell, the cigarette butt between his lips streaked dark red and disappeared.

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带着雨痕的路灯照亮着邻近的公园,它已变成一块荒凉流满泥水的地方。The neighborhood park became a desolate spread of mud and water, lit up at night by rain- streaked lamps.

鹑鹌属旧大陆的一种小的短粗尾的鹌鹑,具有沙色的有条纹的羽毛,通常用于实验室的研究工作。A small, stub-tailed Eurasian quail having sandy, streaked plumage and commonly used in laboratory research.

在里面有一个画着一个有两只蓝眼睛和苍金色夹因条纹发色的女人。Inside was a painted likeness of a woman with big blue eyes and pale golden hair streaked by silver. "Serra."