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但是对我而言,超验非我的目标所能到达。But for me transcendence is avoiding my object.

这是一部充满激情的个人超越之书。It was a book of passionate personal transcendence.

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但也在超越性文学里出现。But it also appears in the literature of transcendence.

它要求消极思想和情感的超越。It requires the transcendence of negative thoughts and feelings.

也就是说,在人人皆有道性,都是有可能成仙的。Since all people possess Dao-nature, they can achieve transcendence.

我渴望爱情但是却不懂她的深奥,我向往不平凡但是却甘愿默默无名。I strive for transcendence but I would rather be silent and nameless.

卡拉特拉瓦的最终目的就是要达到这种卓尔不群的感觉。To generate this sense of transcendence is precisely Calatrava’s intention.

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我们不会承担你的业力,也不会处理你自己的超越。We shall not take on your karma, nor shall we process your own transcendence.

点燃檀香,会照亮一个人需要超越的思想形态。Burning sandalwood will illuminate one's thought-form in need of transcendence.

然而,屈服只在战事中代表失败,在生活中则意味着超越。But surrender only signifies defeat in war. In life it signifies transcendence.

长颈鹿与鹿将为这样的超越持有空间,假如你意愿如此。Giraffe and Deer will hold space for such transcendence if one so intends it so.

每一世生命,都曾是破坏或被破坏的活动而极少被超越。Every life has been functions of destroy or be destroyed and little transcendence.

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紫水晶协助学习业力超越所必须的频率。Amethyst assists in learning the frequencies necessary for the transcendence of karma.

王学本质上是对陆学的纯化、深化和超越。Wang's Theory is the purification, deepening and transcendence of Lu's theory in nature.

现在,有些人会说,我所提到的无以伦比,仅仅就是上帝的超验。Now, some will say the incommensurability of which I speak is simply God's transcendence.

虚拟是表征着人超越现实性的哲学范畴。Virtualization is a category of philosophy symbolizing the transcendence of human beings.

这一切又与他峻急的性格和“超越”的意识密切相关。All this has close relations with his impetuous character and transcendence consciousness.

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妇女服饰的争奇斗妍,是明朝中后期社会生活“僭拟无涯”的突出表现。Women's dress was the particular expression of "boundless transcendence"in the social life.

无需那些石头仓库,无需那些穿软羔皮鞋、满头皮屑的家伙没完没了地讲超越。Forget the stone barns with the dandrutty guys in suede shoes droning on about transcendence.

他对向郭逍遥论的超越,和他的“即色是空”的思想是分不开的。His transcendence to Guo's Peripatecism is unseparated with his idea "Form itself is emptiness".