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球员和球团的关系,是有可能有著无可捥回的伤害的。Relations between player and club can be irreparably damaged.

但在一八四六年华盛顿诞辰被敲响时,它裂到无法修补了。But it cracked irreparably when rung for Washington's birthday in 1846.

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孤独是可耻的,只有失败的人,才会走向无可挽回的孤独。Loneliness is a shame, only failure, will lead the irreparably loneliness.

冒着显得怀旧得不可救药的危险,让我用一个限定的“是”来回答这个问题。At the risk of appearing irreparably nostalgic, let me answer with a qualified yes.

他提出了一些牺牲,以显示他的忏悔,但他震惊了社会无可挽回。He makes some sacrifices to show his repentance, but he has shocked his community irreparably.

我们必须改变方式,以免由于滥用资源而无可挽回地咎由自取。We must change our ways, lest we irreparably damage ourselves through misuse of our resources.

在我国与中国的贸易中,我国削减了工业生产力,这不可挽回地损害了我国未来的繁荣。In our trade with China, we have deindustrialized and irreparably damaged our future prosperity.

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当无法做到这点的时候,我们的关系和日程就有可能失常,有时甚至会造成难以挽回的后果。When that doesn't happen, our relationships and schedules can go way out of whack, sometimes irreparably.

不过,这里仍有风险,因为一次管理不善的复审有可能对机构造成不可弥补的损害。However, there are risks here as well, as a poorly conducted review could irreparably damage the institution.

声音可能会被反复不正确的技巧练习方法毁坏,声带会受到不可回复性地损坏。Voices can be ruined, the vocal cords irreparably damaged, by repeated practice of techniques done the wrong way.

检察官说,他们相信该案件仍有法律功用,但是调查已被无可挽回地玷污了。The prosecutors said they believed the case still had legal merits, but the investigation had been irreparably tainted.

内蒙古边远地区大约300英尺长的一段长城被内蒙古采金矿者摧毁性破坏。Around 300 feet of the wall in a remote part of Inner Mongolia has been irreparably damaged by Mongolian gold prospectors.

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不采取行动会对麻生太郎造成不可挽回的伤害。麻生正遭遇史上最低的民意评价,而他秋天必须举行大选。Failure to act could irreparably harm Aso, who is battling record low poll ratings and must call an election by the autumn.

寄给白宫的物品往往会耽搁较久,在安全检查过程中会造成无可修复的损坏。Items sent to the White House are often significantly delayed and can be irreparably harmed during the security screening process.

限制海洋酸化,在其对世界海洋——和人类——所依靠的食物链造成不可逆转的伤害之前,刻不容缓。Time is running out to limit acidification before it irreparably harms the food chain on which the world’s oceans—and people—depend.

我猜,当苦涩的小泪珠儿冻结在它们小脸儿上的时候,整个南极洲的企鹅们的小眼珠儿都不可挽回的会被冻坏。The eyeballs of penguins across the continent were irreparably damaged, as little tears of discomfort froze to their faces. I’m assuming.

Stolzenburg说,这些岛屿本质上就是参照系,用以观察世界上的入侵物种是如何不可逆转地改变脆弱的生态环境的。Stolzenburg says the islands essentially serve as metaphors for how the world's invasive species can irreparably alter fragile ecosystems.

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虽然一次突然的房价急跌不会对中国的银行系统造成不可挽回的重创,但是它会在实质上大大减少普通家庭的家庭财产。Although an abrupt collapse in house price is unlikely to irreparably damage the Chinese banking industry, it substantially reduce household wealth.

后遗症期指发病起2年以后,此时面瘫仍不能恢复则按永久性面神经麻痹处理。Sequela period point to come on after rising 2 years, right now face paralysis still presses permanent facial nerve irreparably paralytic processing.

他发表声明说,"不采取措施的结果就是在这届政府的监管下,我们国家世界领先的行业会遭受不可挽回的损害。"“A failure to do so will see some of this country's world-leading industries irreparably damaged on this government's watch,” he said in a statement.