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授予“怪物”的称号。这是一种我们之前没有发现过的蛇颈龙。Dubbed "the Monster, " it's thought to be a previously unknown species of plesiosaur.

据说这是蛇颈龙的一种,六千五百万年前由于某种原因在此搁浅。It was said to be a sort of plesiosaur , somehow stranded in the loch from 65m years ago.

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据说在苏格兰尼斯湖中的巨大象蛇或蛇颈龙的水生怪物。Large aquatic animal supposed to resemble a serpent or plesiosaur of loch ness in scotland.

一些人猜测这可能是恐龙中存活下来的蛇颈龙。Some speculate that it may be a plesiosaur that survived the rest of the dinosaur population.

短颈蛇颈龙是一种凶残的爬行动物,通常被比作海洋中的暴龙。The short-necked plesiosaur was a voracious reptile often compared to the Tyrannosaurus rex of the oceans.

但是新发现的这种蛇颈龙是一种上龙,上龙和其他蛇颈龙是不同的。But the newfound plesiosaur is thought to have been a pliosaur, and pliosaurs were different from other plesiosaurs.

授予“怪物”的称号。这是一种我们之前没有发现过的蛇颈龙。"It's as big or bigger than the largest plesiosaur ever found" hurum said. "This absolutely looks like a new species" he added.

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授予“怪物”的称号。这是一种我们之前没有发现过的蛇颈龙。"It's as big or bigger than the largest plesiosaur ever found, " Hurum said. "This absolutely looks like a new species, " he added.

说道,他对于挪威的此次发现不甚了解,所以不能做出具体评价。Mark Evans, a plesiosaur expert at the Leicester City Museums in Britain, said he not know enough about the Norwegian find to comment on it specifically.

一位北方阿拉斯加州大学博物馆的蛇颈龙专家,作为这个探险队的一个成员,他发现并挖掘了这具化石。Patrick Druckenmiller, a plesiosaur expert at the University of Alaska's Museum of the North, was a member of the expedition team that found and excavated the Arctic fossil.