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丘比特在地面发现了已经死亡的普赛克。Cupid found her lifeless on the ground.

日边消息空沈沈。At the side of the message empty lifeless.

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你甚至都没有梦想,你这个行尸走肉。You don't have a dream, you lifeless creatures.

世间情是何物,直教身死相许。What is love the world, direct teaching Xu lifeless body.

南地是一片贫瘠的、没有人烟的可怕荒漠。The Negeb was a barren, terrible desert, a lifeless desert.

如果没有政策和策略,党的路线就是空的。Without policy and tactics, the Party's line would be lifeless.

这种稳定性就是制造毫无生命的星球的墓石。Such stability was a clear gravestone marking a lifeless planet.

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更糟糕的是,当妈妈找到我的尸体的时候,她肯定会发现我是个伪君子。And worse, when Ma found my lifeless body, she'd know I was a liar.

那个男人毫无生气地从木椽上坠落,砰地一声撞到地面。The man fell lifeless through the rafters and thudded to the ground.

懒惰的人一生沉闷,毫无生气,生和死没什么两样。A lazy man's life is dull and spiritless . While in life he is lifeless.

我厌倦凉建无聊的语法规则战出有死命的单词。I got sick and tired of learning boring grammar rules and lifeless word.

半神人们在无生命的苍天之上四处巡视,他们并不在意你们。Demigods patrol the lifeless expanse above, and they don't care about you.

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无生命的死尸,无奈地诉说着死亡,无头的你很淫邪!Lifeless body, slouching dead Lecherous abcess, where you once had a head!

他从我这里偷走了硫磺!现在我要把他毫无生命意义的身体撕碎。He stole the Brimstone from me! Now I shall tear it from his lifeless body!

去记忆语法规则和浩瀚的词汇,真是浪费时间。It’s a waste of time memorizing grammar rules and lifeless vocabulary words.

异国牛命的物体特别有助于卓别林阐扬白己艺术家的先天。Lifeless objects especially helped Chaplin make contact with himself as an artist.

她歇斯底里地哭着,脸和胳膊紧紧地贴着亨利那已经没有生命的身体。She was weeping hysterically, her head and arms draped over Henry's lifeless torso.

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因此生命是具体的,物质是具体的,成熟后的弥尔顿没有失去活力,也没有死亡。So physical life, physical matter, for the mature Milton is never lifeless or dead.

我放开她已经没有生气的手,伸手按响紧急状况铃声把护士叫过来。I let go of her lifeless hand and used the emergency call button to summon the nurse.

那些无生命样品大多是最简氨基酸、甘氨酸以及丙氨酸。The lifeless samples were dominated by the simplest amino acids, glycine and alanine.