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禁止它吧,全能的上帝!Forbid it Almighty God!

是的,他认为他是全能的上帝。Oh, yes, he thinks he's God Almighty.

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我现在知道他强大且无所不能。I know now that he is strong and almighty.

对一个小孩子来说,父母是全知全能的。To a young child, their parents are almighty.

我有可能随时被某位能人智士挤下来。I could be bumped off anytime by the Almighty.

主神全能者,和羔羊,为城的殿。The Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple.

欢迎来锡安基督教会一起赞美敬拜上帝!Welcome to BSCC to praise and worship almighty God!

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万能的上帝使我的双手强健有力。But my hand was made strong by the hand of the Almighty.

藉全能的神帮助,我们不会失算的!With the help of almighty God, we will not be shortchanged.

万能的主,请你开恩救救你的信徒我吧!Almighty God, please save your followers to show mercy on me!

被万能的神所数点,这是多么无法形容的欢乐啊!What unspeakable joy to be among those numbered by Almighty God!

在上帝面前,这些神祗虚弱不堪。All these were completely feeble in the presence of Almighty God.

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我想每个人都处于良好的健康状态的恩典全能真主。I guess everyone is in good health by the grace of almighty Allah.

“屁股受到巨大的一“踢”,然后你就飞出去了。You get one almighty kick under the backside and then you're gone.

虚妄的呼求,神必不垂听。全能者也必不眷顾。Surely God will not hear vanity, neither will the Almighty regard it.

女娲想给世间增加生趣,使之更美。The almighty Goddess Nuwa wanted to add life and beauty to the world.

他岂以全能者为乐,随时求告神呢。Will he delight himself in the Almighty? will he always call upon God?

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这将是一次在美元泛滥的土地上身无分文的旅行。It would be a cashless journey through the land of the almighty dollar.

那将是一次身无分文的在美元至上的土地上的旅行。It would be a cashless journey through the land of the almighty dollar.

明白这一点,我们就能战胜全能的创造者与毁害者。With this understanding, we can win the Almighty Creator and Destroyer.