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它柔软光滑而且颜色鲜艳。It's velvety and the colour is brilliant.

它柔软光滑而且颜色鲜…It's velvety and the colour is brilliant.

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予人柔软及有气质的男仕香水。Velvety masculine scent of sweet meadow flowers.

酒味典雅,含有柔和的丹宁酸。The wine is elegant with persistent velvety tannins.

丝绒般的炭灰色带多种柔和颜色闪。Velvety charcoal with a gentle multi-coloured shimmer.

此酒风味充盈口腔,单宁成熟而顺滑。Enjoy its mouth-filling flavors and ripe, velvety tannins.

慕利斯生产一种柔和的红酒,比利斯塔克略为具有收缩感。Moulis produces a velvety red wine, less tannic than Listrac.

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长期以来,人们捕猎美洲河狸,以获取它的绒毛皮。The American beaver has long been hunted for its velvety fur.

我又买了另外一株更深、柔和紫色兰花。So I bought another one, in a deeper, velvety shade of purple.

它酒体中等,有柔和的单宁酸味道,饮后有一点点干酒的感觉。It is medium bodied with velvety tannins and finishes a touch dry.

此款优雅的白葡萄酒,有着精美的香味和干爽、轻鹅绒般口感。A noble white wine with a refined bouquet and a dry, velvety taste.

丝绒般的深黑色带金色的小亮片。非常适合作为眼线!Deep, velvety black filled with gold sparkle. Great as an eyeliner!

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单宁柔和,突出了持久回味及甜润的果香。Full flavored, velvety tannins enhance the long, sweet fruit finish.

婴儿的皮肤应该是这个世界上最柔嫩的东西了。A baby's skin has got to be the most velvety soft substance on earth.

天鹅绒般柔软的毛圈衬裹脚排汗舒适。Velvety soft terry linings wrap the foot in moisture-wicking comfort.

丝绒般的暗褐色带浅绿和薰衣草紫光芒。Dark, velvety neutral brown with highlights of light green and lavender.

在一团毛绒绒的的苔藓里,美洲黑蛇产下了卵。In a patch of velvety moss, a black snake, called a racer, leaves her eggs.

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日本樱花树能抚平粗糙的皮肤,使肌肤变得柔软,透亮。Japanese Cherry tree smoothes rough skin, leaving it soft, velvety and bright.

酒体带有丰富的莓果味并带有天鹅绒般平滑的丹宁。Rich and full of generous berry flavors accompanied by velvety smooth tannins.

金莎曼娜是一支富含强烈但是和谐花束味和柔软质感的白葡萄酒。Golden Samena is a white wine with an intense yet harmonic bouquet and velvety texture.