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煤油灯被吹熄了。The kerosene lamp blew out.

煤油被用来点灯。Kerosene was used to light lamps.

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老人过去用一盏煤油提灯。The old man used a kerosene lantern.

煤油灯闪了闪就灭了。With a flash, the kerosene lamp went out.

煤油伟大工程的润滑他们!Kerosene works great for lubricating them!

这就像用煤油灭火。It is like putting out a fire with kerosene.

满头银发的男人围坐在煤油暖气机。Silver-headed men sit around kerosene heaters.

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一种石油制品,用作燃料。Kerosene is a by-product of petroleum refining.

他给灯灌上煤油后,点着了灯。Having fed kerosene into the lamp, he lit it up.

她添了些煤油,火旺起来了。The fire burned up when she added some kerosene.

目前,食品、取暖用的灯油非常短缺。At present, food, kerosene used for heating is very short.

空气中散发着煤油味,巨型飞机在头顶隆隆地响着。The air reeked of kerosene and huge aircraft rumbled overhead.

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1894年,森默兄弟已用散装油轮运送煤油到上海。By 1894, the Samuels were supplying kerosene to Shanghai in bulk.

使用的燃料为液氢、甲烷、丙烷和航空煤油。The fuels used are liquid hydrogen, methane, propane and kerosene.

到目前为止,我们还是靠十几个小小的煤油灯照明。So far we've been relying on our little and a dozen kerosene lamps.

燃烧剂和氧化剂分别为煤油和液氧。The fuel and oxidizer are kerosene and liquid oxygen, respectively.

一个绑匪从一个水壶里倒了一两公斤的煤油在地上。A kidnapper poured one or two kilogram kerosene on the floor from a kettle.

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设计形式完全不同的煤油灯替代了它们。The kerosene lamps that succeeded them are dramatically different in design.

直升机Eurocopter是烧煤油的,就可以承载更多乘客。The helicopter Eurocopter runs with kerosene and it can take more passengers.

我更欣赏“灯芯和煤油”的比喻,从某种程度上教师更依赖于学生。I prefer "lamp wick and kerosene". To some extent teachers depend on students.