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会还是不会?Yes or no?

还是盗尸鬼?Or a ghoul?

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或者一个贼。Or a thief.

这之类的。Or sort of.

赞成还是反对?Pro or con?

去还是留?Stay or go?

购买还是租用?Buy or rent?

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免费或收费?Free or fee?

生或死。Live or die.

或者是花菜。Or broccoli.

还是左胳膊?。Or his left?

或者是盗猎者。Or poachers.

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或租一个!Or rent one.

酷酷的真言真语?Cool or True?

或是火、乾土。Or dry soils.

或者肺炎。Or pneumonia.

要惩罚我吗?Or punish me?

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放纵这种妒忌心?Or this envy?

英雄抑或恶霸?Hero or bully?

还是惊悚片!Or a thriller!