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天气恶方知水手良。A good seaman is known in bad weather.

“他是一个水手,”乔治·墨利说。He was a seaman , ' said George Merry.

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要识好海员,须凭坏天气。The good seaman is known in bad weather.

要识好海员,须凭坏天气。Thee good seaman is known in bad weather.

“那么这就是我要找的地方,”老海员说。Then it's the place for me, 'said the seaman.

这个海员几乎去过世界上所有的地方。The seaman has almost voyaged around the world.

噢!“海员说。”你的铁勾手呢?"Wow! " says the seaman. "What about your hook?"

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库克学得很快,不久便成了一名技术熟练的水手。Cook learnt fast and quickly became a skilled seaman.

“这更像是冰山的情绪”,希曼在电子邮件中这样说。“It's more about iceberg-mood,” says Seaman via e-mail.

本仪器供航海人员在海图上测量绘图用。This equipment is used for drawing chart for the seaman.

“小伙子们,起床了!”老水手叫醒我们。"Hit the deck, boys! " said the old seaman who awoke us.

用几句话总结一下海员的闲暇时光。And in conclusion, a few words about leisure of a seaman.

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他是一名好水手,但是最后竟葬身海底了。He was a fine seaman , but ended up in Davy Jones ' locker.

希曼不仅享受与人的交流,还喜欢他们的创造力。Seaman has enjoyed not only them, but also their creations.

“你不要留意我的名字,叫我‘船长’吧!”老海员回答。"Never mind my name! Call me 'Captain', "the seaman replied.

那个可怕的独腿海员总算从我的生活中消失了。That frightening seaman with one leg has gone out of my life.

“你看,那毕竟没有太大用处。”年轻的水手说。"Well, it ain't much use, after all, " said the young seaman.

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“一个意面机器和一把小刀就是最好的工具,”希曼说。A pasta machine and blade become your best tools,” Seaman said.

对一个经常在广阔无垠的大海漂泊的船员来说,监狱是多麽可怕的地方啊。Prison, to a seaman used to the wide ocean, is a fearful thing.

那以后我经常梦到他说的那个一条腿的水手。I dreamed about this one-legged seaman for many nights afterwards.