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好色的性兴趣?Prurient sexual interest?

什么是性诱惑?What is Sexual attraction?

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撬性紧张。Prizing and sexual tension.

性侵犯是如何发生的?How does sexual abuse happen?

盘点下你的性伴侣。Tally up your sexual partners.

但是这里没有性接触。But there is no sexual contact.

性卫生保健权。The right to sexual health care.

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爷爷奶奶也是有性需要的。Granny and grandpa are sexual beings.

你曾进行过有性行为吗?。Have you had sexual behaviors before?

你有没有受到过性骚扰?。Have you suffered sexual harrassment?

男人知道他们是性的流放者。Men know that they are sexual exiles.

我不会说我们我拥有的是有性的。I wouldn’t say what we had was sexual.

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但是糟糕的结婚会使性终结。But 'bad' kissing is a sexual turn-off.

葡萄味甘酸,性平。Grape flavour is acerbity, sexual flat.

避免有多个性伴侣,要洁身自好。How to avoid sexual partners, to Clean.

有性生殖开始进入画面。Sexual reproduction enters the picture.

这是造爱,亲爱的。It is called sexual intercourse darling.

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性情感表达权。The right to emotional sexual expression.

他们性经历的程度是?What is their level of sexual experience?

有人窃笑,它会不会是一个求爱信号。Could it be a sexual signal, some snicker.