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也不知怎的,我们每人都是她毁容的帮凶。Somehow, we are all complicit in her ruination.

不过也有人认为,政府与这种丑恶沆瀣一气。But some have argued the government is complicit in the ugliness.

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曼宁必须选择是与这些暴行同流合污,还是拒绝合作。Manning had to choose between being complicit in these atrocities, or not.

任何政府支持恐怖活动,就是发动对文明战争者的同谋。All governments that support terror are complicit in a war against civilization.

电影里的其他人——她的父母、朋友和老板——都是这个弥天大谎的共谋。And everyone in the movie—her parents, her friends, her boss—are all complicit in this huge lie.

除了电脑,电影电视也在散布不良信息。Apart from computer, films and television programs are complicit in diffusing unhealthy information.

由于很多留学生动机不良,被欺骗成为受害人后,也不敢把欺诈案捅出来。Students are victims of the scam but also complicit in it, meaning they are reluctant to say anything.

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显意识与此相关,但许多性唤起受交感神经系统控制。The conscious mind is complicit in it, but a lot of sexual arousal goes on in the sympathetic nervous system.

纵不美观中情局历史和不道德性为史,没有任何疑问中情局和巴基斯坦情报局是通同的。Given the history and immorality of the CIA, it is certainly no stretch to believe that the agency is complicit.

伯宁在这场骗局中逐渐开始与克鲁格串通一气,甚至都没有意识到他已经超越了底线。Berning gradually became complicit in the fraud without ever quite realizing that he had strayed across the line.

但是我们是造成一千个类似悲剧的同谋,那些人被驱逐、森林被破坏,因为我们。But we are complicit in a thousand similar tragedies, as peoples are displaced and forests destroyed in our names.

不过,并不清楚被释放的三人中是否也有人伙同谋害了那两名女性。However, it is not clear if some of the freed women were themselves complicit in the murder of the two other girls.

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他在在弗格森手下为曼联出阵的244场比赛中118球,这对师徒的合作在2008年曼联夺得欧洲冠军联赛锦标时被发挥到最极致。He scored 118 goals in 244 starts under Ferguson and was very much complicit in United's 2008 Champions League triumph.

而去年十一月,一项调查得出拆毁清真寺事件中该党高层领导曾参与破坏的结论。Last November, an inquiry intothemosque'sdemolition concluded that senior leaders oftheparty were complicit inthe vandalism.

至于加西亚,他说指控他参与罗森博格的阴谋是“荒唐可笑、毫无根据和应受谴责的。”García, for his part, has called allegations that he was complicit in Rosenberg’s plot “absurd, baseless, and reprehensible.”

NGO还揭露了这些公司在人权虐待方面的复杂行径,如在管道中的目标杀戮及强迫劳动。The NGO also branded the companies complicit in human rights abuses such as targeted killings and forced labor at the pipeline.

所指责的是武装和教唆一个屠杀自己人民产油国政府,这样的行为就使中国在种族屠杀问题上有了同谋的嫌疑。What has been said is that arming and abetting an oil-rich government that slaughters its own people makes one complicit in genocide.

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当有关她的闲言碎语终于出现,她的母亲,那个明显连碱液,磨砂玻璃,棒球棒都没听说过的女人最为让人看不起。When the gossip about her surfaced, the deepest scorn was for the complicit mother who apparently never heard of lye, ground glass, or a baseball bat.

在这种情形下,纪录片拍摄人员非常忧虑她的福利,他们停止了拍摄,以免惹上同谋蹂躏她的嫌疑。In this particular instance, the documentary crew were so concerned for her welfare that they stopped the action before they were complicit for her rape.

编辑一份详细的公开报告,建议该如何采取行动,以确保英国安全部队不再在海外参与酷刑。Produce a public report with detailed recommendations on the steps needed to ensure that UK security services are never again complicit in torture overseas.