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船靠码头了。The ship docked.

船翻了。The ship capsized.

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船只模型展示馆。Ship model gallery.

我搭船去那儿。I got there by ship.

我们的船漏了。Our ship is leaking.

这艘大船已经上完煤了。The big ship coaled.

这条船吃水深。The ship draws deep.

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这船正在下沉。The ship is sinking.

一艘船出现了。A ship hove in sight.

这艘船是主力舰吗?Is it a capital ship?

将你的想法送出门执行!Ship it out the door.

以,船,这个词举例“Take the word "ship."

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他们的船被水雷炸毁了。Their ship was mined.

这是爱丽丝的轮船。This is Alice's ship.

船启航时,汤姆挥了挥手。as the ship set sail.

我买了艘船,自己开。I will drive the ship.

我们的船朝南启。Our ship headed south.

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这艘船航行得很好。The ship behaves well.

该船正在卸货。The ship is unloading.

他们向船射击。They shot at the ship.