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果蝇眼睛的电子显微图Electron Micrograph of Drosophila Fly’s Eyes.

一个单原子半导体的电子显微图。Electron micrograph of a single-atom transistor.

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方法采用常规制片方法,结合显微摄影对染色体进行分析。METHODS Sections combined with micrograph were used to analyze chromosome.

纳米线显微图显示在人类头发的前面蜷缩成一个环。Micrograph of a nanowire curled into a loop in front of a strand of human hair.

医学显微图像是进行医疗诊断的重要参考依据。The medical micrograph is one of the important references for medical diagnosis.

方法采用常规压片方法,并结合显微摄影对染色体进行检测分析。METHODS Sections combined with micrograph were used to analyze chromosome karyotype.

提出了一种基于裂隙灯显微图像的快速、自动的角膜分割、重建方法。A fast-auto approach of cornea reconstruction based on slit-lamp micrograph was designed.

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这张显微共聚焦照片是两个人乳腺癌细胞分裂过程图。Breast Cancer Cells Dividing This confocal micrograph shows two human breast cancer cells dividing.

这是血块的色彩增强电子显微图,血块下面是鳞状的组织。Colour-enhanced scanning electron micrograph of a blood clot, with squamous tissue visible beneath.

上图是透过电子显微镜,观察到超过一打的噬菌体依附在一个细菌上的景像。Pictured above is an electron micrograph of over a dozen bacteriophages attached to a single bacterium.

透射电镜下可见皮肤较深部的水疙,表皮真皮连接处结构紊乱。Under transmission electron micrograph subcutaneous vesication and the disturbance of epidermal-dermal junction could be detected.

在右侧,电子断层扫描图片显示了囊泡与突触前细胞膜结合的过程。On the right, a freeze fracture scanning electron micrograph shows vesicles in the process of fusing with the presynaptic membrane.

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艾滋病图片。一幅染色的传输电子显微图像捕捉艾滋病病毒的萌芽从表面的一个白血细胞中的T淋巴细胞。A colored transmission electron micrograph image captures the HIV virus budding from the surface of a T-lymphocyte white blood cell.

以鲤鱼鱼糜为研究对象,通过显微图象处理分析,探讨了鱼糜的掺水量和显微图象之间的关系.。Using the image processing technique on minced carp, the relation of the added water content and the micrograph is preliminary explored.

绘制了氧化动力学曲线,用带能谱分析的扫描电镜观察了涂层的表面氧化形貌和横截面组织形貌。The oxidation kinetics curve was drawn. The surface morphology and cross section micrograph of the Al-Si coating were studied by using SEM.

用光学显微镜、扫描电镜对一段炉下集气管鼓胀破裂的导淋管的宏观、微观组织,断口形貌进行了分析。The macrograph, micrograph and fracture surface of a failiure conduit of the primary reformer were analyzed with optical microscope and SEM.

位于人表皮角质层的角蛋白纤维玻璃切片的高分辨率电镜照片。High resolution electron micrograph of vitreous section of keratin intermediate filaments in the midportion of stratum corneum of human epidermis.

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对电子显微解卷,得到与频率无关的传递函数,提高了电子显微像的分辨率。Tranfer function independent of frequency for electron micrograph deconvolution is obtained, which improves the resolution of electron micrograph.

一幅蜜蜂头部的彩色扫描电子显微照片,扫描电镜建立任何东西的极端特写,能装进那4呎高的装置。A coloured scanning electron micrograph of the head of a bee. The SEM builds extreme close-ups of anything that can fit inside the 4ft high device.

黄色粪便苍蝇头部的上色显微照片,它似乎是伸出它的舌头,它捕获其他苍蝇并吸出汁液。A coloured micrograph of the head of a yellow dung fly, which appears to be sticking out its tongue. It catches other flies and sucks out the juices.