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他绊倒在卢克俯卧的身躯上。He stumbled over Luke's prostrate body.

我告诉他,你悲伤地起不来。I told him you was prostrate with grief.

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快匍伏在我面前吧!Be quick and prostrate yourself before me!

前一次,我们打输了,现在,我们。Now, we have to prostrate ourselves before.

苏美尔和它的伟大文明衰竭了。Sumer and its great civilization lie prostrate.

这场病把她拖倒了几个星期。The illness left her prostrate for several weeks.

我们将匍伏在地上祈求他不要发怒吗?。Shall we prostrate ourselves and deprecate his wrath?

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或者也可尝试下专门设计的卧式按摩器具。Or try a toy specifically designed for Prostrate Massage

我们决不能拜倒在功名与财富脚下。We should not prostrate ourselves before rank and wealth.

邦迪擦了一根火柴照看那个俯卧着的东西。Bundy struck a match and held it over the prostrate figure.

在节处和茎的先端生根的纤细匍匐茎。A slender stolon or prostrate stem rooting at the nodes or at the tip.

暴躁的高隆班凭着一股神圣的激情,曾迈过他母亲那横卧的身躯。His mother's prostrate body the fiery Columbanus in holy zeal bestrode.

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暴躁的高隆班凭着一股神圣的激情,曾迈过他母亲那横卧的身躯。His mother's prostrate body the fiery Columbanus in holy zeal bestrode.

悔悟的皇帝如今敬畏地拜倒在这尊古圣像面前。Before this ancient image penitent emperors now prostrate themselves in awe.

接着他走出自己的卧室,倒在前房的方砖地上。Then he ran out of his room and fell prostrate on the floor of the antechamber.

众民看见了,就俯伏在地,说,耶和华是神。When all the people saw this, they fell prostrate and cried, 'The Lord -he is God!

他们进入了里面的神祠,师父虔诚地臣服在神像面前。Entering the inner chamber, the Master prostrate himself reverently before the image.

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最重要的是,它还能降低人们罹患乳腺癌、结肠癌和身体衰竭症的几率。Last but not least, it also reduces the chances of breast, colon and prostrate cancer.

我看到的最悲悯的画面是,一家人围着一头衰弱的黄白相间的牛。I found most pitiful a family gathered around a prostrate brown-and-white brindled cow.

生长型既有直立生长又有匍匐生长和蔓生,前者有时为簇生。They range from erect, sometimes tufted , forms to prostrate creeping plants and climbers.