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父母是我们家的支柱。My parent are the stanchion of our family.

文中也提出了设计金属支柱线圈系的一系列原则。A series of principals of designing coil array with metal stanchion is put forward.

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作为国民经济的支柱产业之一,房地产业已经成为国民经济的新增长点。Now, as the stanchion industry of the economy, the estate has become the new increasing point.

多维结构是决策支持的支柱,也是OLAP的核心。The multidimensional structure is the stanchion of decision support system and is also OLAP core.

本文就线圈系金属支柱对电磁波测井的影响进行了理论考察。The effect of coil array with metal stanchion on electromagnetic logging is studied theoretically.

随着国民经济的发展,建筑业已成为我国国民经济的一大支柱产业。With the development of the national economic, construction has been a stanchion industry of national economy.

知识的开放性集成依赖于知识转换、知识抽取和知识标注。The open integration of Knowledge depends on knowledge conversion, knowledge extraction and knowledge stanchion.

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公司经营也由单一的铬铁矿生产,发展形成了以铬矿、锂矿、铜矿开采、加工、销售为主的三大工业产业支柱。To exploit, process and distribute chrome, lithium and copper mine. Thse are 3 stanchion industry of the company.

正是由于创意产业这些独特的产业特征,使得创意产业越来越成为全球经济的支柱产业之一。Due to these characteristics, creative industry is becoming more and more essential in global economy as one of the stanchion.

钢铁工业是国民经济的支柱产业,高炉炼铁是钢铁工业的重要组成部分。The puddling of blast furnace plays an important part in iron and steel industry which is stanchion industry of country economic.

技术创新对我国国民经济和国有大中型企业具有非常深远的意义。As stanchion of our country's economy, state large-medium enterprises take an important role in our country's economic development.

文化是一个民族的灵魂,是一个民族生存、发展、繁衍的精神支柱。Culture is the soul of a nation, and is also the psychic stanchion to support the existence , development and multiply of a nation.

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调式衔接折度是折度打磨说的重要支柱,有隐性和显性两类。Infection-points linked by tone pattern, classified into dominant type and recessive type, is an important stanchion of this theory.

实际表明,采用梁下增加支座和板下做“板下整体式补强”对澡塘梁板进行加固,方法简单实用且行之有效。The construction performances have showed that to add stanchion under beams and whole replenishment under slab is simple and efficient.

汽车电子行业正成为支持汽车工业发展的相对独立的新兴支柱产业,并日益引起国内外产业界的关注。More and more studies suggest that the automobile electronic industry becomes relatively self-governed stanchion industry of automobile.

经过几十年的发展,中华绒螯蟹增养殖业已成为我国淡水渔业的主导性支柱产业。The industry of Chinese -handed crab culturing and proliferation has becoming the stanchion industry through several decades' development.

施工企业是国民经济的支柱行业,在国民经济和社会发展中发挥着先行和基础作用。Construction field is the stanchion industry in our country, it is taking the leading and basic action in national economy and social development.

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在不影响正常交通的条件下,工程运用系统优化原理,选择了预应力人字形斜支柱加固的方法,并进行了设计及计。Based on systematic optimization, design and application of prestressed herringbone diagonal stanchion strengthening are explored under normal traffic circumstances.

房地产业已经成为我国国民经济的支柱产业之一,它的发育程度和运行状况与国民经济整体发展强烈相关。Real estate industry has been one of the stanchion industries in national economy, which has consuming relativity with macroeconomic in market maturity and development.

淮南是以煤电化为支柱产业的典型能源城市,大气结构性污染十分突出。Huainan is a typical energy-based city possessing three stanchion industries of coal-electricity-chemical. Industrial constructional pollution appears in city atmosphere.