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现象学的中心主题就是意向性。The central theme of phenomenology is intentionality.

“存在”为什么是现象学本身的问题?。Why Is "Being" an Subject of Phenomenology in Itself ?

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现象学视野为我们提供了新的思考。The view of phenomenology provides a new thinking for us.

康德哲学为18世纪的现象学。Kants philosophy is the phenomenology in the 18th century.

这就是他的宗教现象学的远程目标。And this is the remote goal of his phenomenology of religion.

现象学附属于这个体系并且在其统领之下。The Phenomenology is attached to this system and ordered under it.

马文。法伯较早在美国引入和传播胡塞尔的现象学。Marvin Farber earlier introduced and spread the phenomenology of E.

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知觉现象学是法国哲学家梅洛—庞蒂的基本哲学思想。Phenomenology of perception is the essential idea of Merleau-Ponty.

这一发现最终导致了维氏对于现象学的放弃。This discovery made him abolish the idea of phenomenology eventually.

英伽登是现象学美学的主要代表之一。Ingarden is one of the main representatives of Phenomenology aesthetics.

巨观尺度下材料机械性质之现象学。Phenomenology of mechanical behavior of materials at the macroscopic level.

想象理论是胡塞尔现象学的一个重要组成部分。The theory of phantasy is a very important component of Husserl's phenomenology.

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所有的现象学都可以看作是意向性思想的延伸。All of phenomenology can be regarded as an unfolding of the idea of intentionality.

“生活世界”在胡塞尔的现象学中只是通向先验现象学的两条通道之一。Life-world is only one of the two ways leading to the transcendental phenomenology.

在此视野中,胡塞尔现象学的更深考虑可以得到猜度。In this horizon, further considerations of Husserlian phenomenology can be surmised.

从而为第二章情感现象学的爱的理解做好铺垫。The second part tries to clear up the meaning of love in the emotional phenomenology.

在盖格尔建构的现象学美学中,审美价值是一个重要的概念。The aesthetic value is a key concept under construction of phenomenology by Moritz Geiger.

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这次讨论还表明萨特训练胡塞尔与海德格尔的现象。This discussion also shows Satre's training in the phenomenology of Husserl and Heidegger.

并通过对比得出现象学与中国古代哲学的共通性。Moreover, proved the resemblance between the phenomenology and ancient philosophy in China.

这个对于焦虑的现象学的研究,将能够让我们说出它的方法及理由。It is the study of the phenomenology of anxiety which is going to allow us to say how and why.