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它们在烛光中油光发亮。They glowed in the candlelight.

回到家后,他便在烛光下研习。He studied at home by candlelight.

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烛光使她显得更美。The candlelight enhanced her beauty.

我已经按排好了两个人的独光晚餐。I've arranged a candlelight dinner for two.

夜幕降临时,僧侣们点起油灯和蜡烛,继续干活。As night fell, work went on by oil lamp and candlelight.

她的脸看上去很苍白,像是烛光下的蜡人像。Clare is so pale she lookslike a waxwork in the candlelight.

这一刻偎着烛光让我们静静的渡过。This moment snuggled up to the candlelight to let our static crossing.

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你的左手眷恋烛光,你的右手眷恋镁光灯。Your left hand loves candlelight. Your right hand loves the spotlight.

我想要一个烛光晚餐,跳跳舞,谈谈我们的未来。I'd like a candlelight dinner, some dancing and to talk about our future.

然后邀请他们去一个好的餐厅吃一顿烛光晚餐。Then invite them to a candlelight dinner at a fancy, schmancy restaurant.

明天还将进行烛光守夜和社区艺术项目活动。Candlelight vigils and community arts project are also scheduled tomorrow.

你可以计划一个浪漫的兜风行程来庆祝情人节。What could be better than a candlelight dinner to celebrate Valentine's Day?

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我爱你如每日之必需,阳光下和烛焰前都少不了。I love thee to the level of everyday'sMost quiet need, by sun and candlelight.

用这一周精心为那个特别的人准备一个特别的烛光晚餐。Spend this week concocting a special candlelight dinner for that special someone.

一位男士在祈祝亡灵,蜡烛做成了心的形状和1115日期字样。A man prays over a vigil that sets the date of the fire in a heart of candlelight.

因为夜晚安静而暗黄的烛光可以让我想起很多事。An Huang night because of candlelight and quiet so that I can think of many things.

如果可以,我们应该住在一个有火炉或壁炉或者至少有烛光的房间。When we can, we should live in rooms with stoves or fireplaces or anyway candlelight.

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现在,我们挤在车库里,用烛光做照明,因为灯坏了。And right now we're jamming in the garage by candlelight because the light has blown out.

在印度高哈蒂,反腐败活动家安纳·哈扎尔的支持者们举行烛光守夜活动。Supporters of anti-corruption activist Anna Hazare hold a candlelight vigil in Gauhati, India.

一起进餐──特别是配上烛光和一束玫瑰──会显得亲密而浪漫。Sharing a meal -- especially with candlelight and a bottle of rose -- can be loving and intimate.