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那个小女孩穿着一件有饰边的社交礼服。The little girl wore a frilly party dress.

我应该大力支持她穿百褶裙还是禁止她玩芭比娃娃?Would I embrace frilly dresses or ban Barbies?

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希望是件粉色褶边连衣裙,使你暴露出膝盖。Hope is a frilly pink dress that exposes your knees.

实在很难想象乔恩·克鲁达斯穿着粉色褶边连衣裙的样子。It is quite hard to imagine Jon Cruddas in a frilly pink dress.

粉红色泡泡裙和魔杖真的对女孩儿们不利吗?Can pink frilly dresses and magic wands really harm young girls?

它听起来就像一个穿着镶褶边的衬衫和百褶裙的老处女。It sounds like some old spinster with a pleated skirt and frilly blouse.

它们紧偎着海,那褶褶皱皱的叶子在残木断骸间跳着康康舞。They fringe the sea, their frilly leaves dance a Can-Can amongst the flotsam.

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当她弯腰时,我可以看到她那被白色裙边胸罩包裹的胸。When she bent over, I could see her breasts encased in her white, frilly bra.

如果他们坚持卧室风格,可爱的排版,我可能会放弃这个。If they had insisted on some bedroomy, frilly layout, I would have walked away.

身穿亮丽粉红色褶边裙的中国女引导员引领146个代表团入场。Chinese women in bright pink frilly dresses led each of the 146 national delegations.

粉红色泡泡裙和魔杖真的对女孩儿们不利吗?佩吉·奥伦斯坦认为确实如此。Can pink frilly dresses and magic wands really harm young girls? Peggy Orenstein thinks so.

人们那么喜欢它是因为它亮丽的色彩、惊人的光芒和褶皱的花瓣。The tulip became so popular because of its bright colours, dramatic fames and frilly petals.

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服装一律是有褶边的短裙,即每一个女演员所穿的用硬壳撑起来的短裙。The rule in costume was the frilly tutu the short stiffly -projecting skirt worn by every ballerina.

餐馆里,女服务生的花边围裙让人觉得像在一个铁路上的海边茶室。In the restaurant, the waitresses' frilly aprons completed the effect of a seaside tea-room on rails.

罗丝套着一件白色T恤,穿着镶边的白色喇叭裤,手中拿着一辆玩具车。Rose had on a white T-shirt and white pants with frilly bell-bottoms, and she was carrying a toy car.

镶褶边的内衣在角落挂着,发卡别在铺位的帘子上来保护可有可无的隐私。Frilly underwear is draped in a corner and hair clips hold back makeshift privacy curtains on the bunks.

为了增加它的美丽,往往是手饰有褶边袖口和第三个手指上的宝石戒指。To add to its beauty, the hand is often decorated with frilly cuff and a jeweled ring on the third finger.

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看看这些能提升牛仔魅力的小细节吧,如佩内洛普·克鲁兹的褶皱花边,或者海蒂·克鲁姆的珠饰。Look for crafty details that will dress up denim, like Penelope Cruz's frilly ruffles or Heidi Klum's beading.

在一张有福米加塑料贴面的桌子上放着那具小小的尸体,尸体用一条洁净的白床单裹着。On a Formica topped table, back lighted by a frilly curtained window, lay the tiny body, wrapped in a clear white sheet.

你们很多人知道我穿得时尚的同时,我对粉红色或任何很飘逸,镶褶边的或浪漫的衣物都很抗拒。Most of you know while I am very fashion-forward, I stray away away away from pinks or anything flowly, frilly or romantic.