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挖泥船把泥挖起来。The dredger spooned up mud.

迄今为止,我们没有使用高深入挖泥船。So far we haven't used high depth dredger.

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在防波堤后面挖泥船正在工作。Back of the breakwater the dredger was working.

泥泵是水力输送式挖泥船的关键设备。The slurry pump is one of the key facilities of a dredger.

泥泵是水力输送式挖泥船的关键设备。The slurry pump is one of the key facilities of a dredger.

挖泥船是用来挖掘或捞取河底物质的船或设备。A dredger is a boat or a device which is used to dredge rivers.

链斗式挖泥船在浅滩整治,河道疏通方面起着不可估量的作用。The bucket dredger in Shoal, dredge river plays an invaluable role.

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本文主要对绞吸挖泥船施工模拟的主界面进行了设计。This paper cutter suction dredger construction of the main analog interface design.

液压抓斗式挖泥船的主要生产技术指标是斗容和生产率。The main technical index of hydraulic clamshell dredger is bucket capacity and productivity.

覆层法能降低成本,提高劳动效率,是目前绞刀制造及修复中较理想的方法。Because its high efficiency and low cost, fusion process is an ideal processfor dredger repair.

学习了挖泥船的基本知识,理解了其模拟系统的基本组成和功能。Dredger learning the basic knowledge, understanding its simulation system and the basic function.

抗强烈磨粒磨损,无需加工场合的喷焊,如挖泥船耙齿。Spray-fusing of parts resistance to strong grain-wear free machining, such as harrow teeth of dredger.

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本文研究的1000米采矿船主要用于开采位于水下1000-6000米的锰资源。The 1000m mining dredger is mainly used to mining the Mn resources about 1000-6000m under the sea water.

绞吸挖泥船是利用绞刀松动泥土,使之与水混合,而后用泥泵将泥浆泵出的挖泥船。Cutter-suction dredger looses the soil to mix with the water by cutter, and pumps the mud by dredge pump.

抗强烈磨粒磨损,无需加工场合的喷焊,如挖泥船耙齿。Spray-fusing of parts resistance to strong grain-wear and free machining, such as harrow teeth of dredger.

液压反铲挖掘船是近几年国际上新出现的一种新型挖掘作业船,专门挖掘硬质土和石块。Hydraulic back-hoe dredger is a new type of dredger developed and specially for handling hard soil and stone.

通过挖泥船工业性试验表明,该变矩器性能满足了大型抓斗挖泥机的作业要求。Industrial test carried out with a grab dredger shows that the performance of the converter meets the demand of the dredger.

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目前对挖泥船管理维修的方法主要有定期维修和事后维修。At present, the management maintenance methods of dredger are primary Time Based Maintenance and Run-to-Breakdown Maintenance.

从荷兰引进的300升采金船,存在筛上流失大粒金的问题。The dredger of 300L in volume imported from Netherlands often caused the larger grains of gold running off through the screen.

随着挖泥船性能的不断提高,现有的技术手段和管理措施已不能满足挖泥船技术管理的要求。With the development of dredger , existing management maintenance methods cannot satisfy with requirements of dredger management.