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将禽只放入冰水中预冷后取出内脏。After chilling the birds in iced water, evisceration takes place.

目的探讨眼部恶性肿瘤患者行眼眶内容物剜出术的护理。Objective To study nursing of evisceration of orbit malignant tumor.

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眼内容剜除巩膜覆盖法置入义眼座组无结膜伤口裂开与义眼座暴露。In evisceration implant group, no conjunctival dehiscence and orbital implant exposure occurred.

目的观察羟基磷灰石微粒在眼内容摘除术中应用的手术方法和临床效果。Objective To observe the use of hydroxyapatite particle in patients of ocular evisceration and its effect.

之后畜体转移到吊轨上,完成最后的清洁并取出内脏。The carcass is then transferred to the overhead rail where final cleaning takes place, followed by evisceration.

当你最终消除所有的敌军,降低你的海盗攻击模式和完善成物的虫族基地。When you finally eliminate all enemy flyers, drop your Vikings into Assault Mode and complete the evisceration of the Zerg base.

本研究利用两个严重眼球外伤的个案取其眼球剜除之标本进行视网膜色素上皮细胞之培养。The present study attempted to isolate and cultivate RPE cells from evisceration specimens obtained from two cases with severe ocular trauma.

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结论严重眼球破裂伤、眼内炎和眼球外伤并发症是外伤后眼球丧失的主要原因。Conclusion Causes of evisceration of eyeball after ocular trauma were sever eyeball rupture, endophthalmitis and complications of ocular trauma.

目的总结对已摘除眼球后造成眼窝塌陷的病例,施行二次结膜囊切开,羟基磷灰石植入眼眶的临床效果。Objective To study the clinical effect of the hydroxyapatite orbital implant in second surgery after enucleation and evisceration has been performed and socket subside.

在任何情况下,不允许在屠宰间里对宰前检验时被禁止食用的动物进行去皮、取出其内脏以及进行其它制备,也不允许在屠宰间里存放死亡的胴体。Under no circumstance shall the skinning, evisceration and other preparation of animals condemned on antemortem inspection, or found dead carcasses, be allowed on the killing floor.

结论对严重眼球裂伤、绝对期青光眼以及眼球萎缩患者采取眼内容摘除联合巩膜腔内羟基磷灰石微粒植入术,效果良好。Conclusions To patients of severe ocular rupture, absolute glaucoma, or atrophic eyes, ocular evisceration with hydroxyapatite particles implantation is an simple method and has good results.