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Sow家庭是与塞内加尔政府合作的志愿人员。The Sow family are volunteers who work with the Senegalese Government.

以一辆欧洲汽车的价格,塞内加尔人可以购买两辆中国汽车。For the price of one European vehicle, a Senegalese can purchase two Chinese cars.

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塞内加尔首都达喀尔一所可兰经学校发生火灾,造成9名儿童死亡。A fire has killed nine children at a Koranic school in the Senegalese capital Dakar.

梁刘柔芬桑戈尔首脑波尔多市长国际事务。她是塞内加尔的起源。Sophie Senghor heads international affairs for Bordeaux's mayor. She is of Senegalese origin.

在塞内加尔Sabar拉斯舞向前一步可以被用来作为等待之间的节奏跳舞。The forward step in Senegalese Sabar Ras dancing can be used as a waiting dance between rhythms.

就像索尔斯克亚,塞内加尔射手来到曼联也是波澜不惊。Like Ole Gunnar Solskjaer, the Senegalese striker's arrival at Old Trafford was decidedly low-key.

在塞内加尔的社区,局部涂抹苯酸苄酯治疗疥疮的效果明显好于口服依维菌素。Topical BB was clearly more effective than oral IV for treating scabies in a Senegalese community.

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在塞内加尔Sabar扭曲拉斯舞脚可作为移动等待或过渡性的一步。The twisted foot move in Senegalese Sabar Ras dancing can be used as a waiting or transitional step.

塞内加尔分析人士萨瓦内说,无论设定什么样的政策目标,美国都需要一种新的领导风格。But Senegalese analyst Lamine Savane says whatever the policy goals, a new style of leadership is needed.

但是成千上万的塞内加尔人仍然像穆罕默德那样把微弱的希望寄托在一张薄薄的纸片上。But the hope of thousands of Senegalese rest on even flimsily the foundations of Mohammed's piece of paper.

在哈里发逝世当天,瓦德总统就从塞内加尔首都达喀尔出发。President Abdoulaye Wade made the journey from the Senegalese capital of Dakar on the day of Caliph Mbacke's death.

这位法国出生的塞内加尔前锋是在2007年加盟富尔汗的,但是上赛季的后半赛季他被租借去了凯尔特。The French-born Senegalese striker joined Fulham in 2007 and spent the second-half of last season on loan at Celtic.

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伊朗官员最近与塞国参议院主席派普会晤,要与西非国家扩展合作计划。Iran officials recently met with Senegalese Senate President Pape Diop to expand cooperation with the West African country.

连续不断的电力短缺造成塞内加尔首都达喀尔以及南部城市姆布尔爆发大规模抗议活动。Protests have broken out in the Senegalese capital Dakar and in the southern city of Mbour over continuing power shortages.

特别值得提到的是,该飞机被用于运输马里和塞内加尔的特种作战部队和它们的指挥官。Specifically, the aircraft was used to transport Malian and Senegalese special operations forces and their leadership teams.

阿里-西索科祖籍塞内加尔,并在18岁那年开始了自己的职业生涯,效力于法国乙级联赛的古埃农俱乐部。Senegalese of origin, Cissokho is a French footballer who started his career in Guegnon at age 18, in the second French division.

SDE的数据表明,塞内加尔市民平均每天获得35升生活用水,而水价却不尽相同。According to SDE archives, the average Senegalese citizen receives 35 litres of water daily, and not all users pay the same price.

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2011年5月19日,外交部长杨洁篪与来访的塞内加尔外交国务部长尼昂举行会谈。On May 19, 2011, Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi held talks with visiting Senegalese State Minister of Foreign Affairs Madicke Niang.

拉齐奥准备提供给这个16岁的塞内加尔球员一份青年合同。The 16 year-old Senegalese was a stand-out for Decamberene this month and Lazio are considering offering him a Primavera contract.

在塞内加尔,如果不和塞内加尔的公司合作,中国公司就不能得到基础设施方面的合同。In Senegal, a Chinese company cannot be awarded an infrastructure-related contract unless it has partnered with a Senegalese company.