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在ESP和EAP领域,“体裁教学法”是行之有效的教学方法。Genre-based teaching approach is an effective pedagogy in ESP and EAP.

在21世纪,EAP已经在欧美国家及地区得到广泛和成熟的应用。In the 21st century, EAP has been widely and maturely applied in Europe and America.

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我期待易普斯能够像过去的10年一样继续你们出色的工作。I hope that you at EAP Beijing continue to do the wonderful work that you've been doing over the past 10 years.

由于EAP面向外部系统通信协议不一样,所以系统设计对外有两个接口。For the EAP system must face to outside system with the different protocol, so the system design to have two interfaces.

研究结果表明,本文的建立的模型可以为锥形介电型EAP驱动器的设计应用提供参考依据。The results show that the developed model can guide the design and application of the conically-shaped dielectric EAP actuators.

感谢易普斯对EAP事业所做出的卓越贡献,期待你们在未来能够有更多创新的解决方案。Thank you for your impressive contribution to the EAP field and we look forward to your innovative solutions in the years to come.

服务器对WLAN用户认证,并通过已配置的EAP认证类型给接入点提供安全信息。Steel-Belted Radius authenticates WLAN users and provides security information to the access point via the configured EAP authentication type.

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世界银行需要加大力度,将未来世行东亚能源业务的重点放在提高能效、发展可再生能源和推广新技术上。The World Bank needs to increase efforts and focus future Bank EAP energy business on energy efficiency, renewable energy, and new technologies.

将直接法测得的腹内压与所测外部腹压间建立起数学关系,从而腹内压可由无创测量的外部腹压进行计算间接得到。A relationship was established mathematically between the IAP measured by non-invasive and invasive method, and IAP was calculated by EAP measurement indirectly non-invasively.

为满足航天应用的需要,本文对EAP材料研究情况和它们典型的压电致动器放大结构发展趋势进行了综述。To meet the requirements of space applications, technical state of EAP materials and its typical amplification architectures of piezoelectric actuators are reviewed in this paper.