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他是我在新闻界的一位旧交。He is an old journalistic acquaintance.

我仍然怀有做一名记者的雄心大志。I still had plenty of journalistic ambitions.

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他是我在新闻界的一位旧交。Fleet Street is a journalistic center in London.

犯事实错误是新闻工作过程中的一部分。Factual errors are part of the journalistic process.

新闻自由是新闻道德的前提条件。Press freedom is a pre-requisite for journalistic ethics.

台外合约工作人员必须遵守自由亚洲电台的新闻职业操守。Outside contractors should adhere to our standards of journalistic ethics.

我想起大学时代的一堂关于70年代新闻措辞的讲座。过偏了?I recall a lecture at uni in the 70s about journalistic phrasing. Bias much?

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这两位记者当年都是在同一家省报开始获得新闻采访经验的。Both reporters cut their journalistic teeth on the same provincial newspaper.

但是他们表示政治报是新闻界的血汗工厂这种概念完全是虚构的。But they said the notion of Politico as a journalistic sweatshop is pure myth.

罪犯、法庭、监狱——这些确实让基夫的文章使人心跳加速。Crime, courts, jails — these make Keefe's journalistic heart beat fast indeed.

难道他们觉得我的学术著作和新闻报道的真实性还比不上Zuckerberg的狗?They think my academic and journalistic work is less real than Zuckerberg's dog?

就就业而言,新闻业的情况要好过总体经济。In terms of jobs, journalistic occupations are outperforming the overall economy.

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保护记者的消息来源是新闻自由的基本条件之一。Protection of journalistic sources is one of the basic conditions for press freedom.

有时我会绕开他们的问题,亮出新闻烟幕那一套,转移到别的话题。Sometimes I skirt the question, put up a journalistic smoke screen and simply deflect.

我的采访是正常的职务行为,而且,我认为我的报道行为是正义的。I was carrying out a normal journalistic duty. Besides, I believe that my reporting was just.

新世纪小说呈现出文学叙事与新闻叙事的杂糅和纠缠。New-century fiction shows a kind of mixture of literary narrative and journalistic narrative.

宗教改革运动的斗争是以新闻方式进行的,小册子和传单。The fight over the Reformation was waged in a journalistic manner, with pamphlets and flyers.

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新闻业的系统化改变要求社会变革,不可一蹴而就。Systemic journalistic change will require societal change, and that will not happen overnight.

美国一些最优秀的新闻业大腕是在周刊及月刊上一显身手的。Some of the best journalistic muscle in the U.S. is on display in weekly and monthly magazines.

本文旨在从新闻语言粒子视角,对现代媒体的新闻语言粒子进行微观探析。This paper makes a micro-level study on the particles of journalistic language in modern media.