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为什么不把制造泡沫的乐事变为一个史诗般的聚会恶作剧呢?Why not turn the fizzy fun into an epic party prank of your own?

贡诺森说她试着尝了一下水龙头里的啤酒,但觉得味道有点怪,而且这些啤酒没有泡沫。Gundersen said she tried the beer but that it tasted a bit odd and was not fizzy.

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英国本地的一种啤酒喝的时候是要室温温度并且不能有气泡。The drink that is native to the UK is served at room temperature and is not fizzy.

他们要求自愿者品尝十罐汽水饮料,并能分辨出到底是什么牌子的。The volunteers were asked to try ten cans of fizzy drink and guess which was which.

对于那一些十分关注自身健康的人来说,无糖的碳酸饮料似乎是个硬质的选择。For those keen to look after their health, sugar-free fizzy drinks may seem a wise choice.

果汁饮料比碳酸饮料有着更广阔的市场,同时具有更快的市场增长力。The market for juices is bigger than for fizzy drinks, and is enjoying more sparkling growth.

研究调查了孩子们在上一周内饮用的含糖碳酸饮料罐数。They were asked how many cans of non-diet fizzy soft drinks they had consumed over the past week.

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巴黎的环保人士现在可以从一个公共喷泉喝到免费气水。Environmentally-friendly people in Paris can now drink free fizzy water from a new public fountain.

即使添加大量糖分的碳酸饮料居然也称具有“电解功效”,并自称为“运动饮料”。Even sugar-packed fizzy drinks proclaim their “electrolytic value” and call themselves “sports drinks”.

研究人员称,年轻人一天一罐汽水,易致言行暴力。Just one can of fizzy drink a day is linked to more aggressive behaviour by teenagers, claim researchers.

想必你一定会在饭后必刷牙,喝花草茶而不喝汽水,吃零食时会用水果来代替甜品。So you brush your teeth after every meal, choose herbal tea over fizzy drinks, and snack on fruit not sweets.

我们这些食物挑剔的人宁愿购买烘干了的意大利通心粉,也不会去买米勒通心粉,宁愿购买来自法国的工匠气泡柠檬水,也不会去买橘子汽水。We food snobs buy dried Italian pasta rather than Mueller macaroni, artisanal fizzy lemonade from France, not Hi-C.

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这个当年曾助长壮观的互联网泡沫的词汇,如今正在被出口到同样炽热的东亚诸经济体。Having helped to inflate that spectacular bubble, it is now being exported to the equally fizzy economies of East Asia.

这样一来,如果你一整天都在小口啜饮一罐饮料,就等于那些酸性物质一直在攻击你的牙齿。So if you have a can of fizzy drink and sip it all day long, then the acid in your mouth will be under constant attack.

是谁发现了冰激凌可浮于汽水上的事实?Whoever figured out that a scoop of ice cream was meant to float in a glass of fizzy soda did his fellow man a good turn.

把一勺冰淇淋放入一杯冒泡的汽水中,不管是谁制造出这样一杯饮料给他的朋友,表现出的是一种友善。Whoever figured out that a scoop of ice cream was meant to float in a glass of fizzy soda did his fellow man a good turn.

低热量的人造甜味剂广泛用于碳酸饮料中,但由于会给人很硬的金属感常常受到非议。Low-calorie artificial sweeteners used in popular fizzy drinks are often criticised for leaving a metallic flavour in the mouth.

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当地白酒是spritzer葡萄酒,通常由本地葡萄酒如prosecco等加苏打水调制而成。The local tipple is wine spritzer, or spritz, usually a local wine such as prosecco, a sparkling wine, with fizzy water or soda.

这是一款新型的无卡甜味剂,由嘉吉与可口可乐公司联合开发,后者享有将之制作成碳酸饮料的专营权。Truvía is a new zero-calorie sweetener developed in partnership with Coca-Cola, which has exclusive rights to its use in fizzy drinks.

一项新研究发现,青少年如果定期饮用碳酸饮料,则更可能具有暴力倾向和携带武器。A new study found youngsters were significantly more likely to be violent and carry weapons if they regularly consumed fizzy soft drinks.