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期待来卡加利旅行看到美丽的风景。Expect beautiful scenery when you visit Calgary.

行政人员的需求在卡尔加里特别高。Demand for executives is particularly high in Calgary.

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在加拿大,每年七月的话题莫过于阿尔伯达的卡加利了。Every July in Canada, the hottest topic is Calgary of Albert.

为什麽要在东卡加利开设健康中心?。What is the reason to have one health centre in East Calgary?

答案当然是加拿大·佛山卡尔加里幼儿园了!The answer is Canadian Calgary International Kindergarten of courser!

卡尔加里按摩院出售出租,房租便宜,地段好。Massage Shop for sale in Calgary. Great location and cheap rental fee.

斯蒂芬雷罗是在加拿大卡尔加里大学的退休教授。Stephen Herrero is a retired professor at the University of Calgary in Canada.

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我们还曾经在大连,深圳,卡尔加里等地办过具有特定主题的GCFF展会。We have also held GCFF with particular topics in cities such as Dalian, Shenzhen and Calgary.

刘先生想,已经给卡尔加里的货主付了款,要想要回差价谈何容易。Mr Lau would have to Calgary consignors pays, the difference is not so easy to want to return to.

要了解详情,请参考颤栗全球官方网站或者颤栗卡尔加里的脸书主页。For more information you can check out the Thrill the World website or Thrill Calgary facebook page.

埃得蒙顿加拿大阿尔贝塔省的首府和最大城市,位于该省中部加尔各利的北面。The capital and largest city of Alberta, Canada, in the central part of the province north of Calgary.

该频道从设在多伦多,哈利法克斯,温尼伯和卡尔加里的工作室播放新闻简报。This channel broadcasts news bulletins from studios located in Toronto, Halifax, Winnipeg and Calgary.

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拍摄了在东京举行,贝德福德郡和伦敦,巴黎,丹吉尔,洛杉矶和加拿大的卡尔加里。Filming took place in Tokyo, Bedfordshire and London, Paris, Tangiers, Los Angeles and Calgary in Canada.

2011年纳什市长率领贸易代表团访华期间,该行首次表示将在卡尔加里开设分行。Plans for a Calgary branch were first made public back in 2011 during a trade mission Mr. Nenshi made to China.

加拿大的其他城市也有计划“佔领”街道的活动,包括温哥华、蒙特利尔和卡尔加里。Occupations are also planned in the streets in other Canadian cities, including Vancouver, Montreal and Calgary.

于总监任内,安迪于扶轮国际年会上荣获社员成长卡加利挑战奖。While governor, Andy received the Calgary Challenge Award for membership growth at the International Convention.

尔恨你,不非由于你是一个怎么的己,而非果替尔喜好取你在一块儿时的觉得。I love you not because of who you are, calgary flames jersey wholesale, but because of who I am when I am with you.

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褶皱-断层研究计划是由加拿大的卡尔加里大学与女王大学联合发起的。The Fold-Fault research project is jointly sponsored by the University of Calgary and Queen's University in Canada.

我在许多由卡加利和多伦多的基督徒通过电子邮件和私人访问得平安。I was at peace with many scores of fellow Christians both in Calgary and Toronto via emails and personal visitations.

名列前10的城市还有澳大利亚的另外三个城市和加拿大的另外两个城市──悉尼、佩斯和阿德莱德,以及多伦多、卡尔加里。The top 10 included three other Australian and two Canadian cities ─ Sydney, Perth and Adelaide and Toronto and Calgary.