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可能会有一些赘肉。There may be some dewlap.

喉垂十分明显。The dewlap is very pronounced.

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喉部不应该下垂或过于夸张。The dewlap should not be pendulous and excessive.

不能有下垂或太多的垂肉。There should be no pendulous or excessive dewlap.

喉咙处皮肤适度松弛,形成双层赘肉。The throat is moderate in skin with a double dewlap.

笔直有力肌肉和中等长度,喉部有少许的垂肉。Strongly muscled and of medium length, with minimal dewlap.

颈部强壮,呈拱型,肌肉发达。可能会有一些赘肉。Neck is strong, arched and well muscled. There may be some dewlap.

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喉咙上有赘肉,皮肤松弛达到了“粗喉咙”的程度。Throat showing dewlap and folds of skin to a degree termed "throatiness."

脖子富于肌肉,适度的拱型,可有适度赘肉。The neck is well muscled, moderately arched, and may have moderate dewlap.

可蒙犬肌肉发达,中等长度,略拱,无赘肉,使头部竖立。Muscular, of medium length, moderately arched, with no dewlap. The head erect.

不能太长。不能有下垂或太多的垂肉。Length is not to be excessive. There should be no pendulous or excessive dewlap.

颈部和喉咙有略显沉重的褶皱,及松弛的皮肤和丰富的赘肉。There are moderate to heavy folds of loose skin and abundant dewlap about the neck and throat.

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有黑色短鬃毛,喉部有下悬的肉垂,长角盘扭成螺旋。They have a short, dark mane, a dewlap hanging from the throat, and long horns twisted in a tight spiral.

克伦伯猎鹬犬拥有较长的颈部,喉咙处皮肤松弛或有赘肉不属于缺陷。The Clumber should have a long neck with some slackness of throat or presence of dewlap not to be faulted.

右手握拳并向外伸展至肩膀的高度,用左手握着右手臂下方的赘肉。The right to clench fist and stretched to shoulder height, use left hand holding the right arm below the dewlap.

与其它獒类不同的是它有很多皱纹,嘴唇下垂,融入丰厚的垂肉。Differentiated from that of other mastiff breeds by more extensive wrinkling and pendulous lips which blend into an ample dewlap.