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这是一种对健康有害的习惯。It is a habit inimical to health.

肾结石、乙肝的饮食有抵触没?Does the food of liver of kidney stone, second have inimical not?

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如何用最快的方法消除一个人的抵触心理?How to eliminate the inimical mentality of a person with the swiftest method?

钙作为一种保护剂以抗御有害离子的作用,并不表现高度的特效性功能。The action of calcium as a protective agent against inimical ions is not a highly specific function.

而信仰则是容易变成防卫立量,然后沦为僵化教条,这对生命力有害。Conviction easily turns into self-defence and is seduced into rigidity, and this is inimical to life.

印度的批评家经常指出国家的低效率,以此称民主不利于发展。India’s critics often point to the nation’s inefficiencies to argue that democracy is inimical to growth.

在如今这个安全至上的新时代,乘飞机旅行限制了爱酒人士的旧习惯。In our new security-conscious era, flying is an operation that is inimical to the old mores of a wine-lover.

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听着这句明显没有敌意的话,花无心皱紧的眉头顿时舒展。Listen to this apparent to have no inimical words, spend not intentional wrinkly tight eyebrows to now unfold.

人们在加油的时候必须停下来,不会有抵触的情绪,容易注意到细节的东西,广告的效果比较好。People must stop when cheer, won't have inimical sentiment, notice the thing of detail easily, advertising effect is better.

尽管其名称如此,但许多人认为敏捷的软件交付方式对与SOA相关的机构敏捷效益是不利的。Despite its name, many see agile software delivery as being inimical to the organisational agility benefits associated with SOA.

周恩来提出将南方各省红军游击队改编为抗日武装,遭到了蒋介石的抵触。Zhouenlaidi goes out to save south Red Army guerrilla adapt each arm to fight day, those who sufferred Jiang Jieshi is inimical.

这两个方面均广泛地渗入到原本视为对开放性和共享性有明显抵触性的市场和文化领域。Each has achieved widespread penetration of markets and cultures that were once viewed as clearly inimical to openness and sharing.

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但是由治安委员会成员来弥补裂痕只能导致暴力事件的盘旋上升,这种事件又是难以遏制的,同时对民主进程又是极其有害的。But allowing vigilantes to even the score will only lead to a spiral of violence that is hard to stop and inimical to democratic evolution.

例如,提高股东价值有益于股东,但无助于经理、员工和当地社区。For example, increasing shareholder value is beneficial for shareholders, but it can easily be inimical to managers, employees and the local community.

当克鲁格曼重复发了一篇他的“举债是美德”博文时,回帖的网民用链接把人们引向了莱因哈特和罗格夫,揭示了巨额债务对经济复苏有害。When Krugman repeated one of his "debt is good" posts, posters linked to the economic science from Reinhardt and Rogoff showing that high debt is inimical to economic recovery.

军事演习意图展示伊朗的军事能力保卫国家免受任何攻击,从而劝阻敌人不友好的企图。Zahedi said the war games were intended to show the Iranian military's ability to defend the country against any attack and thereby discourage enemies from inimical contemplation.

金黄色葡萄球菌能产生大量对人和动物组织有害的细胞外蛋白,包括酶类和外毒素。S. aureus is capable of producing a formidable array of extracellular proteins, many of which are inimical to the tissues of human and animals. These include enzymes and the exotoxins.

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实际上,当前正在美国和欧盟发生事情反而增加了下述论点的可能性,即在一些现代的情况下,民主管理反而不利于合理的经济管理工作。In fact, what's happening both in America and in the EU at this point is raising the possibility that democratic governance may in some modern situations be inimical to competent economic stewardship.