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阿纳海姆会议中心只有9英里远。Anaheim Convention Center is just 9 miles away.

根本没人喜欢天使队,他们的主场也在阿纳海姆。No one really likes the Angels, so play at Anaheim.

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还有阿纳海姆天使,在橘子郡。Also the Anaheim Angels, which are in Orange County.

罗兰德追踪这个邮件,线索指向阿纳翰的一台主服务器上。Roland then traces the emails to a main server in Anaheim.

在加州,离这里大概30英里的阿纳海姆,Also here in California, in Anaheim which is about 30 miles away,

预计开放另一次则是在阿纳海姆,加利福尼亚州,这个月,它说。It expects to open another one in Anaheim , California, this month, it said.

有一个曲棍球球队叫神鸭队,你知道,阿纳海姆的鸭子。they have a hockey team called the Mighty Ducks, you know the Ducks, of Anaheim.

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有处长学院阿纳海姆,金佰利大道工业铅,阿纳海姆体育馆。There is CP College in Anaheim, Kimberly Avenue Industrial Lead, and Anaheim Stadium.

这项研究发表于2010年在阿纳海姆举行的实验生物学会议上。That euphoric finding was presented at the 2010 Experimental Biology conference in Anaheim.

至于辛普森,他是在去年游玩了位于阿纳海姆的乐园后才第一次领略了迪斯尼乐园的风采。Simpson, meanwhile, didn’t get his first taste of Disney parks until he visited Anaheim last year.

他们分工,苏克雷和巴利克一组在塔克斯宏的办公室蹲守,其它人一组去阿纳翰的主服务器上下载信息。While Sucre and Bellick stake out Tuckhorn's office, the rest head to Anaheim to hack into the main server.

布朗在第8顺位被阿纳海姆阿森纳队选中,而帕克在第12顺位被格兰德河谷毒蛇队选中。Brown went eighth overall to the Anaheim Arsenal and Parker went 12th overall to the Rio Grande Valley Vipers.

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在与阿纳海姆天使队的七场比赛中,邦兹17次击球中有8次成功,打出4支本垒打,和6次安打。In the seven games against the Anaheim Angels, Bonds was 8 for 17, with four home runs and six runs batted in.

而事实上,他的公园议案也被阿纳海姆市拒绝,因为他们认为这样的公园只会招致群氓。In fact, the proposed park was rejected by the city of Anaheim on the grounds that it would only attract riffraff.

在季前赛对阵犹他的比赛中,科比和他的新的后场伙伴帕克。Kobe Bryant and his new backcourt partner, William "Smush" Parker during a preseason game against Utah at the Anaheim Pond.

美国阿纳海姆的学校正在利用一种全新的高科技手段试图迫使旷课的学生重回教室。School officials in Anaheim are trying out a new a high-tech solution in an effort to get truant kids back in the classroom.

这条路线包括线从洛杉矶联合车站,通过阿纳海姆和太平洋沿岸,以欧辛塞德,加利福尼亚州。This route includes the line from Los Angeles Union Station , thru Anaheim and along the Pacific Coast to Oceanside , California.

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两所安纳汉学区学校成为加州率先采用GPS追踪,防止习惯旷课的学生跷课。Two Anaheim schools have become the first in California to adopt GPS tracking to prevent chronically truant students from cutting class.

在州一级,中国政府与加利福尼亚州签署了连接旧金山和阿纳海姆的高速铁路项目的合作协议。And at the state level, the Chinese government has signed cooperation agreements with the State of California on its high-speed rail project to link Anaheim and San Francisco.

湖人队将在2009-10年常规赛之前进行八场季前赛。第一场将在十月七号在阿纳海姆的本田中心对战金州勇士。The Lakers will play eight warm-up games before the start of the 2009-10 NBA regular season, nike 7.0 free, beginning Oct. 7 against the Golden State Warriors at Honda Center in Anaheim.