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单声道线路输出,唱机插座。Mono Line-out, phono socket.

5个针片,信号插座用。TIDP 5 pin, female DIN phono plug.

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后方唱机插座输入唱机。Rear phono socket inputs for Phono.

让我找支笔记下你的电话号码。Let me find a pen to put down your phono number.

我的问题是我无法用唱机任何声音从我的笔记本电脑连接。My problem is I cannot get any sound using phono connections from my laptop.

公司创始人约瑟夫格拉多记入的发明者动圈式立体声唱机墨盒。Company founder, Joseph Grado is credited as the inventor of the stereo moving coil phono cartridge.

歌德是著名的出色的耳机和唱机墨盒设计和拥有超过48项专利。Grado is famous for their remarkable headphone and phono cartridge designs and hold over 48 patents.

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同时,积极开展国内外光伏电站的建设与投资运营。At the meantime, Phono Solar starts the PV power station construction, investment and operation actively.

设计是基于一个准确的唱机再生产的最重要因素清醒的认识。The design is based on a clear understanding of the most important factors in accurate phono reproduction.

该模型405是一款高性能2声道唱机前置放大器为专业应用而设计的。The model 405 is a high performance two-channel phono pre-amplifier designed for use in professional applications.

本研究考察了语音意识、快速命名与中文阅读的关系。The present study examined the relationships among phono logical awareness, naming speed and Chinese reading in normal children.

他负责为更多的创新唱机墨盒设计比任何其他人在我们的有生之年,并进入了音频名人堂于1982年。He is responsible for more innovations in phono cartridge design than any other person in our lifetime and was inducted into the Audio Hall of Fame in 1982.