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美貌与贞洁常相斥。Beauty and chastity seldom meet.

最重要的是贞操?"And the greatest of these is chastity"?

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通常是关于贞操这尴尬的主题。and the always awkward subject of chastity.

如正义、守诺、忠顺、贞操等。Justice, honesty, faithfulness and chastity.

爱花的人也一定爱贞女和纯洁。Whoever loves flowers, loves virgins and chastity.

我无法停止思考的贞操带保留。I could not stop by keep thinking of chastity belt.

她真不愧是一位贞节烈女呀!Only a great woman will die to defend her chastity.

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贞操是从丰盛奥比岛范冰冰情中生出来海贼王财产。Chastity is a wealth that comes from abundance of love.

若是有什么的话,她的贞节只会吸引它受到伤害。If anything, her chastity will only attract such injuries.

建一个贞节牌坊以掩盖她是女表子的实情。Build chastity memorial arch to belie the truth of being a bitch.

安贞医院那边有没有卖制氧机的啊?。Do the chastity have safety hospital there selling oxygenerator's?

而最多见的,则是为女人而建的“贞节”牌坊。The most common arches here were those in honor of female chastity.

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目前在西方国家,贞操带在小范围内有所流行。Chastity belt is popular in small scope in present western countries.

女体的金属雕塑令人想到中古时期的贞操带。Metal sculptures of the female form recall the medieval chastity belt.

该发誓的贞洁创造只是一个禁止性障碍婚姻。The vow of chastity creates only a prohibitory impediment to marriage.

一些皮革贞操带或短裤,是理想的太多的俱乐部。Some leather chastity belts or shorts are ideal too for the club scene.

当道者倡导贞节,意在期许寡妇于夫亡之后,成为家庭的支柱,以抚孤成立而翁姑得其养。The official version of chastity saw the widow as a pillar of her family.

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她向自己发问,贞洁这个东西,一旦失去了就永远失去了吗?Was once lost always lost really true of chastity? she would ask herself.

喜欢云海文字的朋友,看的就是云海朴实无华的文字。Like the sea of clouds text friends, see chastity text is a sea of clouds.

那保持纯洁是不得疱疹的最好方法就是有道理的了。It makes sense then, that the best way to prevent herpes is to adopt chastity.