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大卵石路不平的路面。The uneven surface of a cobblestone road.

形状各异的鹅卵石在阳光的照耀下闪闪发光。Shapes of the cobblestone glinted in the sunlight.

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他拣起一块石子扔过去,砸破了橱窗玻璃。Soapy took a cobblestone and dashed it through the glass.

第一条鹅卵石卢是在1817即那里起来的。The first cobblestone pavement was laid on Gravier and Magazine Streets in 1817.

2006年2月,一辆30年代的福特公司的汽车,停在古巴特立尼达区的鹅卵石街道上。An early 1930s Ford on the cobblestone streets of Trinidad, Cuba, in February 2006.

在哈尔滨你可看到许多俄式和日式建筑以及鹅卵石街道。You can see a lot of Russian and Japanese architecture and cobblestone street in Harbin.

历史区有鹅卵石气氛,你来期望从镇位于阿尔卑斯山。The historic district has the cobblestone atmosphere you've come to expect from town in the Alps.

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欧洲,由于它的古老,有鹅卵石的街道和隐秘花园,便于人们漫步于其中。With its older cities, Europe is more amenable to meandering.Think cobblestone streets and hidden gardens.

蒙特利尔特旧城中富有特色的的圆石街道和古老建筑。Historic Old Montréal features charming cobblestone streets and some of the city's most historic buildings.

当然,镇子里也有必不可少的中世纪古城墙,几座巴洛克风格的教堂和漂亮的鹅卵石大街。Sure, it's got the requisite medieval wall, a handful of baroque churches and charming cobblestone streets.

穿过铺着鹅卵石的林荫小道,一面似银镜般的巨大的湖便展现在眼前。Through the tree-lined with cobblestone lanes, side like silver mirror-like Great Lakes unfolds in front of it.

这座城市是重建的老港口区,那里有鹅卵石街道,是用餐、购物和散步的好去处。The city's restored Old Port section, which has cobblestone streets, is a pleasant place to dine, shop, and stroll.

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你可以沿着窄窄的小巷子走在古老的石板路上体会伦敦的古老和现代。It will be a relaxing and impressive trip walking on the cobblestone roads and sampling an ancient and modern London.

城墙下的住宅区,窄小的鹅卵石铺成的街道两旁是石灰粉刷、陶瓦盖顶的房屋。In the residential area below, narrow cobblestone streets are lined with whitewashed houses sporting terracotta roofs.

看着鹅卵石铺就的街道和迷人的建筑,你很难将这个城市的过去与现在相调和。Looking at the cobblestone streets and charming architecture, it's hard to reconcile the city's past with its present.

如今,它的城墙、鹅卵石小路以及14世纪的古朴风貌都使奥比都斯成为葡萄牙最浪漫的场所。Today the town's ramparts , cobblestone streets, and 14th-century facades make Obidos the most romantic spot in Portugal.

科布斯专家费边坎瑟拉拉导致了第一个鹅卵石在第三阶段7月6日他的Saxo银行的队友。Cobbles specialist Fabian Cancellara leads his Saxo Bank teammates over a cobblestone section during the third stage July 6.

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马拉车和车,无轨电动车,行人阻塞1鹅卵石在1897年费城街头。Horse-drawn wagons and carriages, an electric trolley car, and pedestrians congest a cobblestone Philadelphia street in 1897.

当你穿越地中海鹅卵石路时或是爬山徒步旅行时,会找到生命中的真爱。Find the love of your life while walking through the cobblestone streets of a Mediterranean island or while hiking a mountain.

小马车仍然载着兽皮沿着附近的鹅卵石路走着,但这个工厂是经济全球化最大的受益者。Pony carts still carry hides along the cobblestone streets nearby, but this factory is a huge beneficiary of the global economy.