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不可在水中。Indissoluble in water.

军阀与鸦片结下了不解之缘。Warlord and opium forge the indissoluble bound.

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天主教会认为婚姻关系是不容解除的。The Roman Catholic Church regards marriage as indissoluble.

但同时,他们又感到不解和怀疑。But at the same time, they feel again indissoluble and suspect.

艺术创造与疯狂有着不解之缘。The artistic creation possesses an indissoluble bond with madness.

不解风情的老公也浪漫起来了?Indissoluble is the husband of amorous feelings romantic also rose?

这已经与他联合的新妇将与他有着永远、不可分割的连接。His bride to whom he has united himself in an everlasting, indissoluble bond.

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我们之间深厚的友谊是我在这世界上最为看重的东西。The indissoluble friendship between us is the thing I value most in the world.

然而,AMPS是一种水溶性单体,与大部分油溶性单体不相容。But, AMPS is a water-soluble monomer and it is indissoluble in most oil monomer.

我们正在创造爱与友谊,为牢不可破的联盟,与我们的朋友。We are created for love and friendship, for indissoluble union with our friends.

他对依旧相信“点击经济”的信徒们表示不解。He is right believe as before " click economy " believer people express to indissoluble.

“你是说,是成亚坤把我抓来的?那你为什么也会在这里?”月月很不解的问。" Are you saying, Cheng Yakun caught me to? Why do you have here?" On very indissoluble ask.

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洞是自然界和人类生活中普遍存在的现象,与建筑有着不解之缘。Holes are common in both the nature and human life, which has an indissoluble bond with architecture.

由此可见,商业广告与体育赛事有着不解之缘。Thus it can be seen, the commercial advertizing and the sports sports event has the indissoluble bond.

这两个国家之间的关系一度看来是牢不可破的,但由于这一争端轻易就破裂了。The tie between these two nations seemed indissoluble for a time, but it broke easily after the dispute.

坎坷辛酸的童年和青年时代使他与泥土结下了不解之缘。Yu Qingcheng had a frustrated childhood and youth time, which offered him an indissoluble bond with clay.

本论文是长安大学汽车ABS试验台不解体检测课题组的延续论文。This paper which talks about Indissoluble testing test-bed of vehicle with ABS is renewal one of Chang'an University.

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传令不解地问∶「连长跟骆驼在房里做什麽?」" Does transmit orders indissoluble does the ground ask ∶ " what does company commander do in the room with the camel?

临行前我总是不解,电话采访也一样啊,何必东奔西跑浪费时间。I always indissoluble before before leaving, the phone is interviewed same also ah, run around here and there to waste.

他那饱经风霜的脸,明显地刻着与海洋有着不解之缘的痕迹,蕴含着种种不平凡的经历。His weather-beaten face was markedly engraved with his indissoluble bond with the sea latent with an extraordinary past.