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平均土壤热通量为-1。The average Gt was -1.

GT式——近似于3级基本式,只不过处理成了GT式运动条纹模样。Similar to Basic 3X but with a sporty GT stripe look.

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什么是一些简单,健康的早餐食谱?What are some healthy meals I can make in the GT Xpress 101?

舟舶资料填写不完整,缺少舟舶总吨位。The ship's particulars are not completed, short of ship's GT.

凡是有兴趣经营生意的朋友也可以联我!Who gt interest wish to open own stockist also can contact me!

吉利GT在上月的上海车展上很是引人注目。The Geely GT grabs attention at the Shanghai auto show last month.

北京吉泰基业科技有限公司是一家集研发、生产和销售于一体的高技术公司。GT OPTICS CO. , LTD. is a new high-technology enterprise. GT OPTICS CO.

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GT快速充气系统瞬间为无内胎轮胎进行快速充气。GT express inflating system can inflate the inner tube ofa tyre in an instant.

系列燃气轮机,打着新厂生产306马力和295磅英尺的扭矩。In 5-Series GT -guise the new mill makes 306 horsepower and 295 lb-ft of torque.

三浦后,马尔泽勒和康塔什的布拉沃是一个可行的生产GT汽车。After the Miura, Marzel and Countach, the Bravo was a feasible production GT car.

本文着重介绍的基于成组工艺的CAPP开发工具是CAPP系统工具化研究的重要内容之一。In this paper, the main part of a GT based developing tool for CAPP has been introduced.

停产4年后,GT的“音容笑貌”仍旧牵动我心。Four years after production stopped, the sight and sound of the GT is still breathtaking.

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前部和后部照明灯,类似于5系列GT和7系列轿车,相应。Front and rear lights are similar to the 5-Series GT and 7-Series sedan, correspondingly.

假如我们能善于利用时间,当然毫无疑问地我们会成功。In th light, if w can mak good us of tim, thr can surly b no doubt that w will gt somwhr.

撤销品牌目录不适用于通用烟草公司销售的雪茄或斗烟产品。The de-listing does not pertain to the filtered cigars or pipe tobacco products sold by GT.

这可能解释为什么GT的特许经营已处于停滞状态,以便在赛车游戏类型,因为经济型轿车轮胎。Which could explain why the GT franchise has been so stagnant in the racing genre since GT3.

建立了基于成组技术的派生式CAPP系统,指出这是符合我国国情的系统。A variant CAPP system based on GT is established, which is adaptive to the Chinese conditions.

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根据汽车,雪铁龙车队的老板文森特贝松了GT的生产点头就在上周。According to Autocar , Citroen boss Vincent Besson gave the GT the production nod just last week.

在摩巴成员的领头人史蒂芬多芬激昂的声音中,你会情不自禁的跟随着他的步伐。With Mobb member Stephen "Rasta GT" Dolphin as the lead hype man, you can't help but to move to this track.

而N54采用了双涡轮增压的设定,新的N55动力在5系列燃气轮机将使用一个单一的涡轮。Whereas the N54 uses a twin- turbo setup, the new N55 powerplant in the 5-Series GT will use a single turbo.