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固然如此,胜利属于印度,希看终有一天我的国家能幡然醒悟。Still, Jai hind and Let my country awake one day.

所有人都向中国这个新的世界超级经济体欢呼。胜喽!All hail the new supereconomy of the world – China. Jai ho! !

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确实是令所有印度人自豪的时刻!Proud moments for all Indians indeed ! Great words Anupam ! Jai Hind !

七月十四鬼门开,短命饿死不吃斋。July 14 ghosts door open, short-lived starve not vegetarian dish called jai.

在新年的那天,中国的家庭会吃一种叫做斋菜的素食。On New Year's Day, the Chinese family will eat a vegetarian dish called jai.

他表达了对妻子婕的爱,在演讲现场推上了送给妻子的生日蛋糕。He spoke of his love for his wife, Jai , and had a birthday cake for her wheeled on stage.

当得知癌症已经转移的消息时,我和Jai相拥而泣。When we got the news that the cancer had metastasized, Jai and I cried and held each other.

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很好,塞娜!继续保持!把奥运金牌拿回来。你可以办到的!Great going Saina ! Keep it up ! Bring back Olympic Gold, . YOU CAN DO IT ! Bharat Mata Ki Jai !

波许认为他遇到的最大的障碍是一个叫洁·格拉斯哥的漂亮毕业生。Pausch maintains his most formidable brick wall was a beautiful graduate student named Jai Glasgow.

5万名印度士兵在干嘛?受人尊敬的印度军队,别相信国大党,行动起来,印度必胜。What are our 50000 soldiers doing? Don't trust CONgress dear respected Indian Army, Act now. JAI HIND.

秦氏是贾珍儿子贾蓉的年轻媳妇,她的故事显然是作者生活中有原型可依的。Qin-shi, the little wife of Cousin Zhen's son Jai Rong, is apparently a character modeled on a real person.

本公司凭借科学的严谨与雄厚的技术力量,缔造了沃得尔加工件国际化品牌。The company relies on scientific rigor and strong technical force, creating a fertile piece was Jai international brand.

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沃得尔加工件产品销往世界各地,一个产品一个精品,演绎沃得尔加工件的技术实力。WORLD Jai workpiece products are sold all over the world, a product of a fine, perform WORLD Jai piece of technical strength.

印度,请你对你自己感到骄傲吧。把你的头抬起来,然后说“胜利属于印度”。好好照顾好你自己,你不需要任何人的援助。Have some pride in youself India. lift your head up high and say Jai Hind. Look after your self you do not need any one's AID.

尽管斋菜中的成分都是根菜类或者富含纤维的蔬菜,但是被人们赋予了许多迷信的色彩。Although the various ingredients in jai are root vegetables or fibrous vegetables, many people attribute various superstitious aspects to them.

当地的艺术家贾伊没能赢得第一名,但是他仍然被授予成就奖,因为他的画描绘出了斯图加特和世界杯的联系。After SOT Local artist Jai Wanigesinghe failed to win first prize, but he did receive an achievement award. His collage portrays Stuttgart AND the World Cup.

一般和赌博有关的活动有马赛、拳击、各种牌戏和掷骰子游戏、斗鸡、回力球,以及娱乐性撞球和掷飞镖游戏。Commonly associated with gambling are horse racing, boxing, numerous playing-card and dice games, cockfighting, jai alai , and recreational billiards and darts.

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在去警察音乐会途中,我们在威廉斯堡逗留。一路上一只秃鹰跟了我几个小时,洁觉得很可笑。On the way to the Police concert, we stopped in Williamsburg. Jai thought it was hysterical that a turkey vulture followed me around for several hours during a walk.

该文通过对武汉盘龙城遗址周边的高层住区佳海“歌林花园”的设计,探讨一种以文化为导向的景观环境设计途径。Through the design of Jai Hai "Gelin Garden" surrounding the ruins of Pan Long City in Wuhan, this paper discusses a landscape design method taking culture as the guidance.