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骨坏死是皮质激素治疗的一种并发症。Osteonecrosis is a known complication of corticosteroid therapy.

您可能需要使用皮质类固醇的话题治疗发炎的地区。You may need to use a topical corticosteroid to treat inflamed areas.

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皮质类固醇激素治疗后疗效显著。Therapy with corticosteroid hormone showed good effect for this patient.

如果您一直在使用局部皮质类固醇霜,停止其使用受影响的地区。If you have been using topical corticosteroid cream, stop its use on the affected area.

几个月以前接受膝关节内注射皮质类激素,收效甚微。An intraarticular corticosteroid injection was performed several months ago, with limited effect.

对本品组成成分、其他吡咯类、氨基糖苷类及皮质激素类药物过敏者禁用。Composition of the goods, other pyrrolic , aminoglycoside and corticosteroid allergy banned drugs.

他的一个1999年的尿样被查出含有皮质类固醇,但含量低于阳性范围。A 1999 urine sample showed traces of corticosteroid in an amount that was not in the positive range.

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关节内注射皮质类固醇激素和局部麻醉药。During treatment, a mixture of a corticosteroid and a local anesthetic was injected intra-articularly.

本文报告102例局部激素制剂引起的皮肤霉菌感染扩散的病例。This article reported 102 cases of dermatophytosis disseminated due to improper topical corticosteroid treatment.

目的探讨肠易激综合征患者的心理状况及细胞因子和皮质醇相关性因素。Objective To investigate mental status and cytokines and corticosteroid in patients with irritable bowel syndrome.

回顾性分析62例面部糖皮质激素依赖性皮炎患者的临床资料。Methods The clinical data of 62 cases with facial corticosteroid addictive dermatitis were analyzed retrospectively.

这种药物含有一种糠酸莫米踏松的活性成分,是已知的皮质类固醇的一种。This medicine contains the active ingredient mometasone furoate, which is a type of medicine known as a corticosteroid.

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皮质激素常以药片服下。泼尼松是在这些状况下最常用的皮质激素药物。Corticosteroids are usually taken as pills. Prednisone is the corticosteroid drug most commonly used in these conditions.

但是需要进一步的研究来确定吸入性皮质类固醇治疗哮喘的最佳剂量。However, further studies are needed to determine the optimal dosing regimen for inhaled corticosteroid therapy for asthma.

管理医用臭氧由皮质类固醇,并在同一会议上麻醉剂注射后提供更好的结果。Administering medical ozone followed by injection of a corticosteroid and an anesthetic at the same session gives better result.

长期使用强的松、考的松、强的松龙和地塞米松之类的皮质醇药物会损害骨骼。Long-term use of corticosteroid medications, such as prednisone, cortisone, prednisolone and dexamethasone, is damaging to bone.

目的探讨雷公藤合并皮质激素在治疗天疱疮和类天疱疮中的作用。Objective To study the effect of Tripterygium Wilfordii combinedwith corticosteroid in the treatment of pemphigus and pemphigoid.

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结论肝素钠乳膏联合皮质类固醇软膏治疗剥脱性唇炎疗效满意。Conclusion The effect is satisfying with heparin sodium cream combined with corticosteroid cream in treating exfoliative cheilitis.

方法本组病例在给予氧疗的基础上,应用糖皮质激素和抗生素治疗。Methods The patients in this group were given corticosteroid and antibiotics on the inhale of oxygen who had relieved the symptoms.

结论高频超声引导下腱鞘穿刺注射皮质类固醇是一种简便、有效的治疗狭窄性腱鞘炎方法。Conclusion Ultrasound-guided corticosteroid injection is a practical and effective method for the treatment of stenosing tendonitis.