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我就伴着蚕豆把他的肝脏吃了下去,还有美味的红酒呢。I ate his liver with some fava and a nice Chianti.

我就着蚕豆和酒,把他的肝脏吃掉了。I ate his liver with some fava beans and anice Chianti.

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我把他的肝配蚕豆吃了还有美味的红酒呢。I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti.

我把他配蚕豆吃了,还有美味的红酒。I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti.

我就伴着蚕豆把他的肝脏吃了下去,还有美味的红酒呢。I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti.

今晚最大的威胁来自法瓦的一脚射门,当时我甚至没看清球在哪。The most difficult save was the one from Fava as I only saw the ball late"."

鳕鱼柳,奶油土豆泥,蚕豆和佩克瑞诺奶酪。Cod fish medallion, creamy mash potato, fava beans and shaved of pecorino cheese.

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首先,让我们找点好东西吃吃,我吃你的肝脏,一些蚕豆和不错的葡萄酒。First, let's grab some chow, before I eat your liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti.

曾经有一个人口调查员想测试我。我把他的肝配蚕豆吃了还有美味的红酒呢。A census taker once tried to test me. I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti.

一个户籍调查员曾试图测试我。我把他的肝就着蚕豆和红葡萄酒吃了。A census taker once tried to test me. I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti.

一次有个人口期揲员想测试我,我用蚕豆和勤地酒佐餐,吃掉了他的肝。A census taker once tried to test me. I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti.

将蚕豆与1茶勺橄榄油倒入清水中煮沸,直至蚕豆变软,约需6到8分钟,取出沥水。Cook fava beans with 1 teaspoon oil in boiling unsalted water until tender, 6 to 8 minutes, then drain.

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倒一茶匙的油在烧开的无盐开水中煮蚕豆,直到它们便软,6到8分钟,然后弄干。Cook fava beans with 1 teaspoon oil in boiling unsalted water until tender, 6 to 8 minutes, then drain.

乔瓦尼佛雷多法瓦说,他也期待成为可能中央情报局使用的军事设施在乌克兰基地。Giovanni Fava said he was also looking into possible CIA use of a military facility at a Ukrainian base.

比较酶联免疫吸附试验与细胞培养病毒中和试验检测狂犬病疫苗免疫后血清抗体。This study aimed to compare the effeciveness of ELISA and FAVA in detection of antibody against rabies vaccine.

临床主要表现为新生儿黄疸、进食蚕豆后发生急性溶血性贫血等。The clinical manifestations of these subjects were acute hemolytic anemia trigged by ingestion of fava bean and neonatal jaundice.

在这个版本中,大灰狼把外婆撕成碎片,然后邀请小红帽一起来享用她的肉,可能还配上了蚕豆和意大利葡萄酒。In this version, the Wolf dissects Grandmother, then invites Red in for a meal of her flesh, presumably with a side of fava beans and a nice Chianti.

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意大利的蒙特卡罗德尔法瓦在一分六国对法国的橄榄球比赛在法兰西体育场的圣丹尼3月14日比赛尝试。Italy's Carlo Del Fava scores a try during the Six Nations rugby union tournament match against France at the Stade de France in Saint-Denis March 14.

但是,意大利精神病学家乔瓦尼·法瓦通过研究发现,当病人被要求将那些使他们快乐的事情记录下来时,“他们的情况好转很多。”But a study by Italian psychiatrist Giovanni Fava found that when patients were asked to keep diaries of events that made them happy, it 'helped them a lot to get better'.

但是,意大利精神病学家乔瓦尼·法瓦通过研究发现,当病人被要求将那些使他们快乐的事情记录下来时,“他们的情况好转很多。”Butt a study by Italian psychiatrist Giovanni Fava found that when patients were asked to keep diaries of events that made them happy, it 'helped them a lot to get better'.