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个体需求模式?。Disaggregate Demand Model?

它还可以对一对多关系中的消息进行聚合和反聚合。It may also aggregate and disaggregate messages in a one-to-many relationship.

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最初的步骤是要打破或分解的过程分成若干任务。The initial step is to break down or disaggregate a process into a number of tasks.

若能更明智地分析,用更好的战略,问题将会得到化解。A more accurate analysis, and a better strategy, would be to disaggregate the problems.

一些西方的学术权威分裂成两个不同的流派,利他主义和自恋主义。Some Western authorities disaggregate into two main components, the altruistic and the narcissistic.

研究人员尝试过将这些软性因素的影响分离出来,发现这几乎是不可能的。Researchers have tried to disaggregate the influence of these soft factors and have found it nearly impossible.

介绍了非集计模型的特点、意向调查问卷设计及调查的实施方法。The characteristics of the disaggregate model, and the SP questionnaire design and implementation are introduced.

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电信总局得要求经营者再将前项各种电信业务财务资料,按营业项目加以分离。The DGT may require the Operator to disaggregate the financial data of aforementioned Licensed Service segments by operational items.

本文并以此满足能力及参与成本为解释变数,应用所有调查样本建立个体游憩活动选择模型。The disaggregate recreation activity choice models were calibrated using the need-satisfying capabilities and participating cost as explanatory variables.

根据种姓和宗教来分解这些统计数据可能是有趣的,可以看出某些弱势群体和少数族群在古吉拉特邦是如何过日子的。And it might be interesting to disaggregate these statistics by caste and religion to see how certain disadvantaged groups and minorities are faring in Gujarat.

第一步是将某工作分解成许多项任务,当然每项任务都是为项目建设服务的。The initial step is to break down or disaggregate a process into a number of tasks. Collectively, these tasks must be completed for the construction of a facility.

因此根据非集计理论,从运输方式使用者自身属性出发对运输方式资源整合进行了分析。So the paper studies the transportation resource integration among the different transportation modes from the user properties according to the disaggregate theory.

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在非集计模型分析的基础上确定近期线路的服务水平及其相应的客流量,并提出配套的实施建议。Based on disaggregate model analysis, water bus ridership with different level of service is estimated, and corresponding implementation strategy is also put forward.

一旦将生活发展指数抽离,我们会发现,这些国家在法律、责任制和官员腐败,公共参与以及人权方面,做的非常之差。Once we disaggregate the measure, we find that these countries do very poorly in the dimensions of rule of law, accountability and corruption, participation and human rights.

研究表明,非集计建模方法能够较全面的考虑居民出行选择的各方面影响因素,尤其是将出行者的个人特性影响因素引入模型,提高了模型的预测精度和实用性。The result shows that a more influence factors are considered in the disaggregate model, especially the individual character factor, which help improve the model's forecasting accuracy.

利用非集计方法,构造了旅客出发时刻和运输方式选择行为的双层巢式逻辑决策模型,并对模型参数的估计方法进行分析。Disaggregate methods are utilized in this paper to formulate the departure time and transportation mode double class Nested Logic models, and then the arithmetic of the model is analyzed.

针对管道的抗断设计,断层未来位错量的估计方法现在仍以确定性方法为主,概率方法因为断层位错量沿着破裂带的分布较为复杂仍有待进一步研究。Disaggregate PSHA is proposed to estimate the PGD induced by liquefaction and landslide. The PGD induced by fault movement is still determined by DSHA primarily, and PSHA needs further studies.

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单核花粉粒时期,绒毡层细胞质浓厚,细胞间间隙小,与中层细胞联系紧密,没有解体。At the stage of single nucleus pollen, tapetum cells were showed to possess dense cytoplasm, join with its conjoint cell with little space, connect with middle cell closely and not disaggregate.

本文的独到之处在于利用活动理论以及出行链理论,对城市居民的出行活动进行了分析,并将其应用于城市居民出行方式选择模型。In the end, according to the activity-based urban residential travel theory, it establishes a disaggregate model of urban residential travel mode choice, and put it in use by a calculation example.

定性分析中,分别从出行者、收费管理者以及全社会三个视角出发,提出中心区拥堵收费的定性评价体系。This paper presents the qualitative evaluation system from, respectively, users', managers' and society's points of view, and develops a disaggregate network equilibrium model for congestion charge.